The Tech > Participatory democracy > Engagement tech - (501)

Perhaps the core premise of civic tech is that it can improve civic engagement. Whether in concert with formal governmental bodies or independent of them, civic tech promises to help citizens (in the Latin sense, of the city) engage with one another to share power in the pursuit of building just societies.

Recommended reading:

  • A collection of case studies demonstrating where civic tech interventions have resulted in tangible improvements and benefits for governments/public institutions and their citizens
  • The Equitable Community Engagement Toolkit is an excellent collection of guides and resources for equitably engaging communities in order to share power.

Showing 501 Results

Alegeri Parlamentare 2016

Ghidul complet al alegerilor parlamentare din 11 decembrie. Compară aici candidații la alegerile parlamentare, programele de guvernare si orientarile ideologice.

Responsive Policy Project

Responsive Policy Project

United States of America (the)

Responsive Policy Project (RPP) lifts the curtain on public policy, making it easy to find, understand, and engage with opaque policy documents. Ultimately, RPP aims to radically transform policy by changing who participates and how.



Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias

Using ICT for Co-Creation of inclusive public Places


Bringing underheard voices to the center of a stronger public dialogue

g0v Taiwan

Founded in Taiwan, "g0v" (gov-zero) is a decentralised civic tech community with information transparency, open results and open cooperation as its core values. g0v engages in public affairs by drawing from the grassroot power of the community.



Málaga (Spain)

citizink es una plataforma de participación creada con tecnologías de código abierto

IBM Project Debater

Project Debater is the first AI system that can debate humans on complex topics. The goal is to help people build persuasive arguments and make well-informed decisions.



Amtsgasse 13a

Online collaboration, discussion & consensus. For institutions, organisations & groups.

Decidim Census

A small static website gathering open data from Decidim platforms around the world.

Abre Alcaldías

Abre Alcaldías

Latin America

Trainings and storytelling for open government in Latin America

Estonian engagement platform with binding triggers for popular proposals to go before government, locally and nationally

Participate.Online + Envirolytical

Participate.Online + Envirolytical

Seattle, WA, United States of America

A digital participation platform offered by Enviroissues

Peoples' Tech Assemblies

NYC's open participation platform (using CitizenLab) to get public feedback on government use of tech

Decide Madrid

Decide Madrid

Madrid (Spain)

Es un espacio para fomentar la participación de la ciudadanía en la generación de ideas para mejorar la gestión de la ciudad.



Netherlands (the)

Dutch participatory engagement company




Italian company offering services and projects to engage the public in decision-making

Nordic Path

A public engagement project around air quality


Donnez votre avis sur des sujets de société qui vous tiennent à coeur en participant à nos consultations citoyennes. Ensemble, citoyens, associations et entreprises, définissons nos priorités et réalisons des changements concrets.


French association of consultation professionals for an innovative public debate.



Rue d'Alost 11, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium

Participatory process facilitators and partners

Engaged Cities Award

We aim to find and elevate the diverse ways that city leaders are actively engaging their citizens to solve critical public problems.

빠띠 카누 (Parti Canoe)

빠띠 카누 (Parti Canoe)

South Korea (Republic of Korea)

팀과 커뮤니티를 위한 민주주의 플랫폼



Santiago, Chile

Digital platform and methodology to open local governments. Powered by CONSUL.

Civic Action Teams

Closing feedback loops and building accountability in communities

Kijiji Yeetu

Kijiji Yeetu is a smart village platform that offers a unique ecosystem for activating our villages’ resources, knowledge, inspiration into viable development opportunities in 47 counties in Kenya, East Africa and beyond the world.


Nextdoor is the free private social network for your neighborhood community.

The Internet Government is an alternate legislative government platform where people elect ideas, not individuals. It's politics without politicians.



Buenos Aires

DemocracyOS is an online space for deliberation and voting on political proposals. The software aims to stimulate better arguments and come to better rulings.

Civil Kapocs

Civil Kapocs

Hungary (Magyarország)

segítünk tisztán látni - tracks public meetings



420 Central Park West, New York, NY 10025, United States

RyeCatcher is online collaboration software that makes it easy for everyone involved in a student’s success to work together.

Election data gathering parties

Election data gathering parties

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Help build the free database of UK election candidates


Haqdarshak enables citizens to access government welfare schemes for which they are eligible. They provide onlineand offline support with documentation and applications.

Listening Post Collective

The Listening Post Collective provides journalists, newsroom leaders, and non-profits tools and advice to create meaningful conversations with their communities.

Sortition Foundation

Organization dedicated to promoting citizens' assemblies Verify Verify

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

GDS is leading the digital transformation of the UK government.



Brazil (Brasil)

Laudelina is a mobile application, aimed to empower domestic workers. It has an accessible guide to labour rights, abenefits calculator, a list of protection agencies, and an option to create a social network with fellow domestic workers.

Copy, Paste, Legislate

Copy, Paste, Legislate

Phoenix, AZ, USA

An investigative series deploying algorithms to detect copy-paste legislation




Political organization focused on generating healthy physical and digital spaces for co-creation and incidence in the political landscape.



New Haven, CT

Officials and neighbors have come together on SeeClickFix to resolve millions of issues. Let's get to work!

Oradea City Report

Oradea City Report este o aplicaţie pentru telefonul mobil sau tabletă, gratuită, simplă şi intuitivă, care permite cetăţenilor cu spirit civic să transmită diverse sesizări şi incidente către Primăria Oradea şi operatorii serviciilor publice locale (Compania de Apă Oradea, Oradea Transport Local, Termoficare Oradea, Poliţia Locală Oradea, RER Ecologic Service).Problemele punctuale din cartierele orașului, cum ar fi gropi în asfalt, câini comunitari, resturi menajere sau moloz aruncate la întâmplare, gunoi în mijloacele de transport, disfuncţionalităţi în iluminatul public, coşuri de gunoi vandalizate, vehicule abandonate, blocaje din cauza zăpezii, avarii apă rece şi caldă, canalizare înfundată etc, pot fi transmise direct de pe dispozitivul mobil către dispeceratele operatorilor de servicii publice, pentru a acţiona cu promptitudine şi a limita eventualele pagube.Sesizările transmise vor fi însoţite de fotografie, descriere şi localizare GPS, oferind autorităţilor identificarea exactă a locaţiei incidentelor. Raportează o problemă şi vei primi răspuns la sesizarea ta direct pe telefonul mobil!Noutăţi:Vizitează pagina Primăriei Oradea: http://www.oradea.roConectează-te cu noi pe Facebook: Sugestii?Oradea City Report este o aplicaţie dezvoltată de Mobiversal. Aşteptăm să ne scrieţi pe sau pe [email protected]. Cu cât aflăm mai multe de la voi, cu atât aplicaţia poate să devină mai bună.


a user-friendly platform that centralizes data about all public services and facilities that can cater to the needs of vulnerable citizens, such as where to eat, to shower, to find shelter or get social welfare

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