The Tech > Civic data > Mapping - (106)

Technologies to collect, plot, and display geographic data.

Suggested reading: In Borneo, Indigenous communities are using mapping tech to claim their land rights and fight the expansion of oil palm plantations. (Rest of World)

Showing 106 Results



New York, NY

Cities and towns of all sizes are struggling to ensure compliance, safety, and efficiency along the curb. Coord makes it easy to collect, manage, and share curb data.

Facebook AI mapping for humanitarian aid and development

Building on our previous publication of similar high-resolution population maps for 22 countries, we're now releasing new maps of the majority of the African continent, and the project will eventually map nearly the whole world’s population. Using weakly- and semi-supervised learning.

Vision Zero NYC map

Vision Zero NYC map

New York City Department of Transportation, Queens Plaza North, Long Island City, NY, USA

A map visualizing traffic in the city with incidents

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