Graphic representing Maza Coin

Maza Coin
Pine Ridge Indian Reservation

crypto coin for sovereign tribes

Maza Coin began as a new crypto currency back in 2013 with a focus on providing Oglala Sioux a more independent economy. Now it wants to impact the Native American and other sovereign community economies for the better. As a currency is designed to be a form of digital money that is secure, transparent, and decentralized, allowing users to make transactions without the need for a third-party intermediary. But is more than just a coin. We have further positioned ourselved to leverage the full potential of blockchain technology in an effort to help tribal and other communities gain a better foothold in the overall global community. Whether you use Mazacoin as a secure means to pay for goods and services or harness our advanced block chain for secure document retention and security, its there for you, at your fingertips 24/7. What can Mazacoin do for you?

Status: Active
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Founded: 2013
Open Source: Yes
Last Modified: 3/19/2025
Added on: 3/19/2025

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