Wenadata is a web-based, mobile-based and offline tool which gathers statistical data, and works with government, private sector companies and other institutions to help them collect opinions and help make better strategic decisions for citizens. The platform works as an integrated opinion platform where everyone contributes to a more informed, knowledgeable,participatory and supportive country by taking part in campaigns, polls and surveys on issues ranging from sport, politics, culture, housing, education and many more. By partiicpating in the campaigns citizens are rewarded through points which they can redeem for offers and they can also participate in paid surveys. It won the Maputo Seedstars in 2018.

Organization Type: For-profit business, social enterprise, or B Corp
Status: Inactive
Founded: 2017
Project Stage: 2020
Last Modified: 10/7/2022
Added on: 6/22/2021
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