Graphic representing Blacks in Civic Tech

Blacks in Civic Tech
United States of America (the)

Blacks in Civc Tech organizations aims to increase the amount of Black technologists in civic tech and provide a community that encourages growth and fulfillment in the field.

BNCT (which stands for Blacks in Civic Tech) is a non-profit that aims to remove barriers for Blacks to lead, participate, thrive in and enjoy the field of civic tech in federal, state, and local government (contractor or employee) across the world through programming and community.

Blacks in Civic Tech, LLC aims to increase the amount of Black civic technologists in Government by promoting jobs and developing a talent network to ensure that organizations hire diverse talent, strengthening the Black civic technology pipeline.

Status: Inactive
Project(s): Blacks in Civic Tech jobs board
Last Modified: 10/4/2023
Added on: 7/23/2023

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