The People > Meet the others - (350)

Where you'll find community in civic tech.

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Showing 350 Results

Hack Club

Hack Club gives teens time, space and engineering mentorship to code projects they care about and learn technical skills that build and protect democracy

Democracy R&D Conference

Magazín o zdraví, kráse, detoxikácii, testosterónu, vypadávanie vlasov, zväčšenie poprsia, peelingu, chudnutie a ďalších témach.

Aspen Cyber Summit

The Aspen Cyber Summit connects the dots between the cybersecurity challenges of today and the topics that matter to you.

Stanford Internet Observatory Trust & Safety Research Conference

The conference brings together trust and safety researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, civil society, and government.

Forms Camp

NCSC staff will provide intensive training and technical assistance to help courts revise one form or a small set of forms to improve plain language and readability. Your court will identify one form, or a small set of forms to work on throughout the project. At the end of camp, your materials will be redesigned, translated into plain language, and user tested.

International Day of Democracy

Perhaps the core premise of civic tech is that it can improve civic engagement.

Palestine Digital Activism Forum (PDAF)

يهدف منتدى فلسطين للنشاط الرقمي (PDAF 2024) إلى وضع الحقوق الرقمية الفلسطينية على رأس الأولويات على الصعيدين الإقليمي والعالمي، في محاولة لحشد نضال متعدد الجوانب من أجل ضمان مساحة رقمية آمنة وعادلة وحرة للجميع. لقد بدأت تقنيات الذكاء الاصطناعي بالفعل في تشكيل حياتنا، وسيكون لها قريبًا تأثير أكبر على…

DataFest Africa

DataFest Africa

East Africa

DataFest Africa is an event that seeks to celebrate data use in the East African region by bringing together various stakeholders from diverse backgrounds, such as government, civil society, donors, academics, students and private industry experts, under one roof and theme.


TrustCon is the global conference dedicated to trust and safety professionals who are responsible for the challenging work of keeping our platforms and communities safe.

World Forum for Democracy

The strength of democracy lies in its ability to embrace and balance differences to serve society as a whole.


The Commonwealth community of Legislatures is a diverse group of institutions that at the same time hold many institutional similarities, enabling further opportunities for institutional cooperation, in the field of legislative modernisation and digital transformation.

Tecnología e Innovación para el Impacto Social (TIKSO)

Encuentra todas las entradas para los mejores eventos de MEDELLÍN - TIKSO 2024 el jueves 25 de septiembre de 2024, entradas Oficiales en la

Govtech 4 Impact World Congress Madrid

G4I has been designed to serve as THE global meeting place that assembles governments – across all levels – to learn how to securely streamline processes, increase efficiencies, reduce costs and meaningfully transform public service delivery.

National Nonprofit Day (US)

Tech and meta-organizations that support the mission of non-profits and charities. Includes mainstream productivity software (like LibreOffice) as well as non-profit-specific tech (like donation management software).

Tech for Humanity Summit

The second annual Tech for Humanity Summit will convene thought leaders from civil society, government, academia and industry to develop shared visions for a humane and democratic technological future. 

Digital Rights Community Global Gathering

Want to join the global digital rights and internet freedom community? We providing events, services, job board, community spaces, and more!



Munich, Germany

Welcome to the first global community for stateless people and their allies. Together we empower stateless people.

Election Hackspace 2024

Election Hackspace 2024

Newspeak House, Bethnal Green Road, London, UK

A coworking space for all people working on tech related to the upcoming [UK] general election. Both partisan & non-partisan projects welcome!

Community Tech Lab

The Community Tech Lab is a hands-on tech and digital equity learning space located at El Puente’s flagship Leadership Center in South Williamsburg.

Take Back Tech II

Take Back Tech is a gathering for organizers, advocates, academics, and workers who are looking for a space to deepen the connections and strategies we'll need to combat technology's worst harms.

AI Palace

AI Palace

Germany (Deutschland)

Join a small, curated group of researchers, builders, entrepreneurs, politicians, and artists for a 7-day unconference focused on the political economy of AI. We will build new infrastructure, business models, and institutions for AI.

Festival Latinoamericano de Instalacion de Software Libre (FLISOL)

Festival Latinoamericano de Instalacion de Software Libre (FLISOL) sede Venezuela

The Global Innovations in Democracy: Parliamentary Exchange

The Global Innovations in Democracy: Parliamentary Exchange (GID), led by the Institute for Democratic Engagement and Accountability (IDEA) at The Ohio State University, and the Center for Democracy Innovation (now part of the National Civic League), was established in 2022 to provide a global forum for legislators to discuss the most innovative methods and tools for gathering input, overcoming divisions, building trust, and gaining public support for public policy.

Design for America Studios

Studios are nodes of community, design education, and localized impact within university campuses across the U.S.



Washington, DC

FedGeoDay is THE event devoted to "open geospatial ecosystems" (open source software, open/collaborative mapping, open science challenges, and open engagements) that are used to initiate and grow capabilities across the U.S. federal government. 

Liberal Democrat Software Group

Liberal Democrat Software Group

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Over 860 "Coders, product managers and anyone who wants to help the party win with better technology."

Hack The Press

Hack The Press is a movement. We're not satisfied by the current situation of owned media, and we've taken Michael Jackson's song "Man In The Mirror" to heart.

Outriders Klub

Outriders Klub

Warsaw, Poland

Interaktywna przestrzeń do wynajęcia, w której dzięki technologii, sztuka łączy się z mediami

Hackathon Co-Afina

Hackathon Co-Afina

Latin America

a hackathon (now in its second edition) in which teams work collaboratively from different Latin American countries to find creative solutions to problems posed by civil society in the first phase of the event. More than 20 areas of knowledge dialogued collaboratively to solve challenges in Science and Education during #CoAfina.

Portland's Techno-Activism 3rd Mondays Meetup

Techno-Activism Third Mondays (TA3M) is an informal meetup designed to connect software creators and activists who are interested in censorship, surveillance, and open technology.

Le Lieu de la Transformation Publique

A la fois laboratoire d’innovation publique, équipe d’experts pluridisciplinaires, centre de ressource et de formation, réseau dédié à l’innovation - le Lieu de la Transformation Publique propose, depuis 2019, un accompagnement sur mesure aux porteurs de projets engagés dans une démarche de transformation.

Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH)

"...Open source hardware gives people the freedom to control their technology while sharing knowledge and encouraging commerce through the open exchange of designs."

ASEANcats Google Group

ASEANcats Google Group

The Hague, Netherlands

This e-group is created as a part of social movement building initiaves with the aim to share knowledge and discuss the latest development and issues related to the regional community integration of ASEAN. All are welcome.

Code for Hungary

We connect volunteers (developers, graphic designers, marketing specialists) with impactful social good projects to help them with tech.

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