We work to build citizen capacity to use data for better engagement with government and other stakeholders.

We do this to ensure better resource allocation and better development outcomes in achieving Global Goals such as the Sustainable Development Goals, and other local and national goals, mainly The Vision 2030, which is being implemented through successive five-year medium term plans. The Third Medium Term Plan (MTP III) 2018-2022 is the current plan being implemented at the local level.Global Goals for Local Impact (GGLI) Programme: The Global Goals is an initiative that aims to domesticate the SDGs and demonstrate to the local citizens that the SDGs, much as they were formulated and discussed by global leaders are meant to drive development at a very local level. The project makes use of data to stimulate active citizenship and responsive government – essentially that citizens provide input into government activities and that government develops mechanisms for listening to citizen needs. In this project, the following citizen engagement tools have been implemented: The GGLI dashboard – a tool that enables users to view data and analysis of community data in the classified into the following dashboards: Lanet-Umoja Dashboard Nakuru North Sub-County Farmers Data Service Register Incident Logging Tool Sabasi, a citizen data collection tool that was developed for use in the project

Organization Type: Non-profit, charity, or foundation
Status: Active
Founded: 2018
Parent Organization: Open Institute
Project Stage: Ongoing
Last Modified: 8/28/2023
Added on: 6/22/2021

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