Graphic representing Artificial Intelligence: Its potential and ethics in the practice of public participation

Artificial Intelligence: Its potential and ethics in the practice of public participation

This research brief explores how public participation practitioners might encounter AI tools; examines the risks, opportunities and uncertainties these tools present; and offers ethical considerations to guide their use.

A research paper commissioned by IAP2 Canada.

"This research paper provides an orientation to artificial intelligence (AI) technology for public participation (P2) practitioners. We explore the ways AI might intersect with P2 processes today, raising opportunities, uncertainties, and risks associated with its use. We offer a practical guide for P2 practitioners navigating these AI encounters by sharing some ethical considerations for using AI tools."

Status: N/A
Parent Organization: International Association for Public Participation (IAP2) Canada
Open Source: N/A
Last Modified: 8/21/2024
Added on: 6/7/2024

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