Graphic representing eCivis

800 Boylston Street, 16th Floor Boston, MA 02199

eCivis helps state and local governments maximize grant funding, optimize financial and program performance, and prepare cost allocation plans.

COMPLIANCE-AS-A-SERVICE Standardize data collection and reporting processes across your entire organization to drive transparency, produce more timely and accurate reporting, and help comply with federal grant requirements, such as the Uniform Guidance - 2 CFR 200.

INCREASE GRANT FUNDING We employ full-time professional staff to research and summarize the most important information from the thousands of disparate Federal and non-federal grant solicitations into a standardized format, which will allow you to access, research and determine pursuance of more grants in less time.

REDUCE ADMINISTRATIVE BURDEN ON STAFF A full lifecycle grants management system that combines grant planning and research with enterprise project management capabilities, the ability to connect data with government ERP/General Ledgers, and management of applicants and subrecipients to dramatically reduce administrative burden.

MAXIMIZE COST REIMBURSEMENTS Maximize your grant and program funding through full and complete cost recovery and allocation. Calculate costs on-demand and eliminate the high cost of outsourcing this service to produce a single cost plan, ICRP or SWCAP once a year.

Organization Type: For-profit business / social enterprise / B Corp
Status: Active
Parent Organization: EUNA Solutions
Last Modified: 12/18/2024
Added on: 4/15/2023

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