In the Civic Tech Field Guide, we focus on examples of govtech that seek to improve society to make it more just and democratic, not just more digital or efficient. We recognize that this is a subjective, values-based perspective of govtech. There is a much larger government IT industry, and we do not aspire to catalog and curate every instance of governmental technology.
This project aims to conduct a comprehensive study of the relevant and available literature and present research findings that will assist the Digital Government Authority (DGA) in enhancing the online presence of key government entities in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).
It was conceived in 2007 as an annual gathering to bring together academia, governments, international organisations, civil society, and industry to share the latest insights and experiences in the theory and practice of Electronic Governance (now more commonly referred to as Digital Governance).
As a forward-thinking policy-oriented entity, we lead innovation, actively exploring and advocating emerging technologies to transform public service delivery on a worldwide scale.
The 2023 edition of the “IPIC – Portuguese Municipal Councils’ Online Presence Index” series of studies presents the results of the evaluation of Portuguese municipal councils’ websites.
EPSA – the European Public Sector Award – is a Europe-wide award scheme for public sector entities at all levels of government which has been organised every two years since 2009 by the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA).
Digital Infrastructure for Governance and Inclusive Transformation (DIGIT) is an open-source, scalable, interoperable platform for responsive public service delivery and good governance.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
Tussell's market intelligence platform provides the data-led insights you need to make better procurement decisions, drive value-for-money, and promote social value.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
Get essential insights into opportunities, accounts and competitors with the all-in-one UK public sector market intelligence platform for business development professionals
The GovAI Coalition went public...publishing a set of deliverables any organization could use to help jumpstart their agency with responsible AI practices.
An AI Inventory is an important transparency mechanism that enables the City of San José to meaningfully communicate the AI systems that it uses to its residents. In January 2023, the DPO began maintaining an AI Inventory in an effort to increase transparency of the technological tools used by the City.
O Software Público Brasileiro é um tipo específico de software livre que atende às necessidades de modernização da administração pública de qualquer dos Poderes da União, dos Estados, do Distrito Federal e dos Municípios e é compartilhado sem ônus no Portal do Software Público Brasileiro.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
[A]n ambitious programme launched in 2002 with an initial budget of some £6.2 billion. It attempted to implement a top-down digitization of healthcare in England's National Health Service (NHS)
As well as the broad range of information that the regular AI uses, this modified version has been exposed to a specific set of policies and information to help unlock the power of AI for the new constituency of West Ham and Beckton.
Mission: To direct, lead, synchronize, integrate, and coordinate U.S. Federal Government efforts to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining or influencing the policies, security, or stability of the United States, its allies, and partner nations.
55-56 Russell Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 4HP, UK
Governments across the globe are on their way to building national-scale digital infrastructure. A comprehensive view of the state of DPI, however, is missing. The DPI Map addresses this.
Broadband Labels (Internet de Banda Ancha Etiquetas - en español) are designed to provide clear, easy-to-understand, and accurate information about the cost and performance of high-speed internet services.
The Global DPI Summit, hosted in Cairo, Egypt, stands as a premier convening of stakeholders in the Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) ecosystem, bringing together representatives from across the globe.
The GovTech Maturity Index (GTMI) was developed as part of the GovTech Initiative to introduce a measure of GovTech maturity in four focus areas — supporting core government systems, enhancing service delivery, mainstreaming citizen engagement, and fostering GovTech enablers— and to assist practitioners in the design of new digital transformation projects.
The World Bank's program to "support countries in adopting sound practices and solutions in GovTech, and to ensure a broad global partnership for effective exchange and transfer of knowledge and good practice."
The Bank launched GovTech Working Groups to provide thought leadership, facilitate the exchange of ideas, and support the development of sound GovTech solutions. Community building and impact-driven collaboration are the core objectives of this initiative.