Graphic representing Harta clientelismului politic

Harta clientelismului politic

The map shows the transfers from the Government to the municipalities and county councils from the Reserve Fund (15%), Local Development National Program (65%) and other programs managed by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration that sum up to 7.5 billion lei

Our main conclusions are:

All the parties – independent of their colour or affiliation – used the same practices, as they also did in the previous years. See our previous report here
Most likely, by raising the investment sums, the government encouraged the migration of the local elected officials and after changing the party they were rewarded with funds for their locality
We biggest part of the funds were spent in 2014 and 2015. In 2014, almost 80% were spend between September and December, a period coinciding with the political migration and the presidential elections
The maximum of clientelism was reached in thee second half of 2014 and 2015, when the chance to get money if you were in the governing party was twice bigger than if you were in the opposition
Most of the migrating mayors got more money after October 2014 than before
The sums for the transfers from the Reserve Fund became bigger in electoral years and were spent on investments that were not urgent, as the law says; the government created exceptions from the Law of the public finances in order to permit more expenses on things such as debts
The main winners were the social democrats (PSD), their satelitte parties (ALDE, UNPR and PC), as well as the independents; the liberals and the democrat liberals were the main losers, although the liberals were in power until 2014
in Bucharest, the 3rd Sector got much more money than others that have lower budgets. It received 55 times more money that the 2nd Sector and three times more than the 5th, which is the poorest in Bucharest
The public institutions do not spend the money set by their annual budgets and therefore this is an indicator of bad governance. Moreover, not all the estimated money are spent and this is a fact that affects in a negative manner the public procurement market and the economy as a whole.

Status: Active
Founded: 2016
Last Modified: 12/18/2024
Added on: 6/22/2021

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