The Tech > Civic data > Mapping > Civic maps - (138)

Civic maps collect and display data geographically to coordinate action, plot resources, or make an argument for change. This is our gallery of specific civic maps.

Showing 138 Results

FCC National Broadband Map

This map displays where Internet services are available across the United States, as reported by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to the FCC. The map will be updated continuously to improve its accuracy through a combination of FCC verification efforts, new data from Internet providers, updates to the location data, and—importantly—information from the public.

Mapping Civic Education in Europe

Our Mapping Civic Education in Europe programme is a dynamic initiative continuously evolving by adding new countries to the first-ever pan-European virtual map of civic educators.

Congestion Pricing Tracker

Curious whether Congestion Pricing is having an impact on commutes in NYC? Take a look to compare traffic data before and after Congestion Pricing

Civic Information Index

Civic Information Index

United States of America (the)

The Civic Information Index uses data to map drivers of engaged, informed, equitable, and healthy communities nationwide.

Upward Mobility Data Dashboard

The Upward Mobility Dashboard helps people understand key conditions affecting upward mobility from poverty and racial equity in communities.

Community Network Map

Community Network Map

United States of America (the)

This map shows municipal networks across the United States.

Healthsites establishes this data and the tools necessary to upload, manage and make the data easily accessible.



Chad (Tchad)

Using GPS mapping technology, Nidoroualmewaafe identifies areas that do not have access to safe drinking water and shares this information with local authorities and communities to inform decision-making.

Congressional systems map

This map...illustrates a [Congress] in a state of dysfunction, with growing dissatisfaction on the part of the public, waning trust in its ability perform, and -- most significantly -- large-scale disengagement from the system by the public.

Give Food

Give Food

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

We're a UK charity that uses data to highlight local and structural food insecurity then provides tools to help alleviate it.

UK Constituency Data Hex Maps

UK Constituency Data Hex Maps

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

This site maps data about UK constituencies on hex maps (cartograms). We have created several themes (economy, energy, environment, health, society, and transport) and have filled those with separate pages for each data aspect.


Cutting-edge map tools for historical research. Search, explore, and discover the history of your surroundings through historical maps.




A Code for Pakistan initiative to Crowdsource the flood-related data from the 2022 Floods in Pakistan.


Kidmapping is an information resource for parents, human rights activists, volunteers and activists. Here you can find information about all kinds of locations of deported children in Russia, Belarus or occupied regions of Ukraine.

Save The Rainbow Flag

There have been over 40 recent bans of the rainbow flag. The Gilbert Baker Foundation and the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Are Fighting Back.

Inside the Global Fight for Press Freedom

Through powerful personal narratives and comprehensive data, Global Press Journal shares the untold stories of 11 courageous, local journalists and activists across the globe.

Spatial Equity NYC

Spatial Equity NYC

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Spatial Equity NYC (SE), a tool developed by MIT’s Norman B. Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism (LCAU) in close collaboration with New York City-based nonprofit Transportation Alternatives (TA), visualizes mobility, environment, and health data.

Google MethaneSAT partnership

Google MethaneSAT partnership

United States of America (the)

Just like how we use AI to detect sidewalks, street signs and road names in satellite imagery to display helpful information in Google Maps, we’ll also use AI to identify oil and gas infrastructure, like oil storage containers, in our imagery. Then, we’ll combine it with EDF’s information about oil and gas infrastructure to locate where the emissions are coming from.

Atlas of Urban AI

Atlas of Urban AI

Barcelona, Spain

ATLAS is a crowdsourced (map) repository of projects happening in cities involving the use of artificial intelligence systems.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

UK PlanIt is a national aggregator for current and historical planning information.

Landlord Tech Watch

Landlord Tech Watch

United States of America (the)

Campaign website explaining landlord / proptech surveillance and what tenants can do to fight back

Housing Courts Must Change! Map

Housing Courts Must Change! Map

New York City, NY, USA

Housing Courts Must Change! (HCMC) is a statewide campaign launched by the Right to Counsel NYC Coalition in 2020 to transform the courts across New York State (NYS) from an “eviction machine” to a place that holds landlords accountable, upholds tenants’ rights, and enables tenants to remain in their homes.

Urban Analyst

Urban Analyst provides interactive maps of the properties of cities including of their transport systems and socio-demographic conditions, as well as statistical summaries of all cities.

NYC Street Map

NYC Street Map

New York City, NY, USA

NYC Street Map is an ongoing effort to digitize official street records, bring them together with other street information, and make them easily accessible to the public.



Brazil (Brasil)

O LupaMundi - Mapa das Legislações sobre Desinformação é um mapa interativo que apresenta as leis nacionais de combate à desinformação.

Water Data Explorer

The Water Data Explorer was developed by the British Geological Survey in collaboration with Imperial College London, The University of Oxford and UCL as part of the CAMELLIA project, and in partnership with a broad range of stakeholders. CAMELLIA has been funded by the UKRI's Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).

Be šešėlio

Be šešėlio

Lithuania (Lietuva)

An opportunity for every conscious member of society to contribute to the elimination of the shadow economy.

Hotel Oligarch

Hotel Oligarch

Hungary (Magyarország)

Know where you spend your money - mapping politically exposed hotel & restaurant owners

Hungary (Magyarország)

Collaborative data collection map on informal payment in maternity care

AORAI Policy Map

A continent-wide map of AI policy, laws, and tools in Africa

District 33 Street Tree Stewardship Map

This map will help us grow volunteer engagement at a neighborhood level and track our progress towards increasing tree stewardship across District 33 (in New York City)

Ruas do Género

An interactive data visualization project demonstrating the gender imbalance of street names in Porto

Protestlandschaft Deutschland

Die Plattform beinhaltet Informationen zu Protestkampagnen und Protestaktionen von 1950 bis 2020, die in mehreren Forschungsprojekten gesammelt wurden.

מפת מחאות יום ד' 1.3.23

"Here’s a real-time map of the hundreds of protests taking place across Israel as the pro-democracy movement there hits its ninth week of massive participation. An estimated 400,000 people turned out across the country last weekend; that’s five percent of its population" - Micah Sifry, The Connector

Environmental Justice Index Explorer

The Environmental Justice Index (EJI) scores census tracts using a percentile ranking which represents the proportion of tracts that experience cumulative impacts of environmental burden and injustice equal to or lower than a tract of interest.

NYC FloodNet

NYC FloodNet

New York City, NY, USA

Real-time flood sensors were developed by the FloodSense project at NYU and the CUNY Advanced Science Research Center (ASRC), with a goal of providing information on the presence, frequency, and depth of hyperlocal street-level flood events to a range of stakeholders, including policymakers, government agencies, citizens, emergency response teams, community advocacy groups, and researchers.

Colorado Broadband Hub

The Colorado Broadband Office (CBO) leads the statewide effort to expand broadband coverage and quality for all Coloradans and coordinates all broadband efforts for Colorado.

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap activation Turkey earthquake

Humanitarian OpenStreetMap activation Turkey earthquake

1100 13th Street NW Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20005

With this mapathon, the UN Mappers community wants to join the efforts of the NGO Yer Çizenler and the OpenStreetMap community to map buildings and roads in the area.

Public Interest AI world map

Public Interest AI world map

Humboldt-Institut Berlin, Invalidenstraße, Berlin, Germany

This interactive global map of Public Interest AI projects aims to help foster research on Public Interest AI projects, demonstrate their self-understanding, and provide publicly accessible data about them to the broader public.

Beirut Built Environment Database

Beirut Built Environment Database

Raymond Ghosn Building, American University of Beirut, Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture PO Box. 11-0236 Riad El Solh 1107 2020, Beirut Lebanon

The Beirut Built Environment Database is a platform gathering geolocalised social, environmental, and economic information on building activity in the Greater Beirut Area.

Mapping NGOs Repairs

Mapping NGOs Repairs

Raymond Ghosn Building, American University of Beirut, Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture PO Box. 11-0236 Riad El Solh 1107 2020, Beirut Lebanon

Between March and September 2021, BUL researchers identified around 80 NGOs that participated in shelter repair within the neighborhoods severely affected by the August 2020 port blast. The data and findings are presented through a recent mapping output on the Beirut Urban Observatory.

Beirut Urban Observatory

Beirut Urban Observatory

Raymond Ghosn Building, American University of Beirut, Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture PO Box. 11-0236 Riad El Solh 1107 2020, Beirut Lebanon

The Beirut Urban Observatory is a platform of geolocalized urban data informing ongoing post-blast recovery efforts.

Precarious Lives

Precarious Lives

Raymond Ghosn Building, American University of Beirut, Maroun Semaan Faculty of Engineering and Architecture PO Box. 11-0236 Riad El Solh 1107 2020, Beirut Lebanon

The Beirut Urban Lab is launching a platform that documents the processes and mechanisms that generate housing precarity in today’s Beirut.

Kenya Digital Public Works

"DPW set out to answer a question: Can the youth use affordable and widely available technologies to gather the information necessary to support informal settlement upgrading?"

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