Graphic representing NNIP Catalog of data trainings

NNIP Catalog of data trainings
The Urban Institute, L'Enfant Plaza Southwest, Washington, DC, USA

This catalog highlights examples of training courses from around the country that advance data and technology literacy.

In 2016, NNIP and Microsoft's Civic Technology Engagement Group launched a project to expand training on community data and technology for government and nonprofit staff members. It includes a brief summarizing the training landscape and action steps for various stakeholders, a guide for organizations interested in providing training, and a fact sheet summarizing results from a survey on current content and practices.

This catalog highlights examples of training courses from around the country that advance data and technology literacy. It includes descriptions and downloadable materials for primarily in-person trainings that have been conducted by local data intermediaries, nonprofits, universities, government agencies, and others. We encourage you to browse and adapt the materials to embark on training for your own community.

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Status: Active
Founded: 2016
Last Modified: 11/24/2024
Added on: 6/22/2021

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