Por segundo año consecutivo, y con el apoyo de la National Endowment For Democracy, culminamos exitosamente la Academia Táva Apo – Hacia el desarrollo local, programa de formación dirigido a líderes comunitarios y concejales electos.
La Escuela Política y de Liderazgo Público está conformada por Academias que buscan brindar herramientas personales, teóricas y prácticas a personas con vocación de servicio público interesadas en transformar su contexto.
IAP2 carries out its mission to advance and extend the practice of public participation by organizing and conducting professional development activities to serve the learning needs of members.
This programme will support 100 people to become Everyday Democracy Champions, in turn catalysing the action of others in communities furthest from power, and creating tangible change across all four UK nations.
IJNet delivers the latest on global media innovation, news apps and tools, training opportunities and expert advice for professional and emerging journalists worldwide.
A Escola de Ativismo é um coletivo independente constituído em 2011 com a missão de fortalecer grupos ativistas por meio de processos de aprendizagem em estratégias e técnicas de ações não-violentas e criativas, campanhas, comunicação, mobilização e segurança e proteção integral, voltadas para a defesa da democracia e dos direitos humanos.
We are Bingwa Civic Tech Lab, a youth-led initiative based in the Democratic Republic of Congo, supporting technically the community and civil society organisations through co-creative and collaborative processes to implement digital solutions informing decision makers and different stakeholders to improve social services
Individual modules Citizen-Centred Service Design Becoming Citizen-Centric Public Service Delivery Fundamentals Listening to and Understanding Citizens Continuous Service Improvement Becoming an Inclusive Leader Building Service Culture Effective Service Delivery Management
Bienvenido a Hive Mind, un espacio de aprendizaje para activistas digitales. Ayudamos a los actores de la sociedad civil a desarrollar su resiliencia digital.
The Civic Tech Institute at Equitech Futures empowers leaders in the social sector - governments, nonprofits, and social enterprises - with the data and technology skills critical to achieving impact at scale.
El Chequeador es una plataforma educativa diseñada por el equipo de Chequeado para el desarrollo de cursos virtuales sobre Alfabetización Mediática e Informacional, desinformación, fact checking y otros temas relacionados.
Our experienced and diverse team of advisors supports municipalities and organizations of all sizes across Canada on a range of data and tech issues. We work alongside our partners’ teams to assess their needs, define problems, mobilize research and knowledge, design solutions and support their implementation. Contact Us
Code for Africa partnered with the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ) and Ayin Network to offer a combination of training, professional mentorship and story grants to journalists in Nigeria and Sudan, to enable them to produce digital storytelling around issues of religious freedom, so as to improve understanding of tolerance versus militancy and extremism.
Design for Civic Change is a professional development program for government workers interested in implementing community-engaged design within their work.
Climate Democracy Action (CDA) is a practice-oriented training and support program that prepares advocates and policymakers to use participatory strategies to drive local governments’ response to the climate crisis.
Mnemonic is an NGO dedicated to archiving, investigating and memorializing digital information documenting human rights violations and international crimes.
IREX’s Learn to Discern approach builds resilience to manipulative information by empowering those who engage with media and information to navigate it in a safe, critical, responsible, healthy, and empathy-driven way.
These online courses, toolkits and resources are designed to help both journalists and the public build expertise and stay one step ahead of misinformation.
A training workshop curriculum on how to set up an online support network, create textual and visual counterspeech content, and deploy a counterspeech campaign.
La Academia de Innovación Política es una plataforma que busca generar espacios de formación virtuales y presenciales para la transferencia y co-construcción de conceptos, prácticas, metodologías y herramientas de gobernanza democrática en los escenarios actuales.
A non-profit, tuition-free coding school for women and gender diverse adults. They focus on serving low-income people, underrepresented minorities, and members of the LGBTQIA+ community.