The People > Learn about civic tech > Civic tech catalogs - (113)

A directory of catalogs, collections, and galleries of resources aimed at strengthening the civic tech ecosystem (like the Civic Tech Field Guide itself).

Showing 113 Results


Govbase is the most comprehensive database of projects and organizations in online governance.

Civic Tech Report 2025

Civic Tech Report 2025

Prague, Czechia

Hardcover book and online platform providing an overview of over 80 solutions from the European civic tech ecosystem

The AAPI Nonprofit Database

The AAPI Nonprofit Database

United States of America (the)

The AAPI Nonprofit Database is an interactive resource to find and connect with AAPI organizations

The Atlas of Urban Tech

A global atlas of case studies of tech-enabled urban districts and municipal digital masterplans.

AI Existential Safety Map

A fun illustrated map charting AI Safety efforts across blogs, podcasts, training, support, governance, research, and so on.

AI Intersections Database

This database by Mozilla Foundation maps intersections between the key social justice and human rights areas of our time and documented AI impacts and their manifestations in society.

Pioneering Practitioners: Democratic Innovation Organizations to Watch

Recognizing organizations that support politicians to empower citizens and develop better policies for people and the planet.

The Digital Impact Exchange

The Digital Impact Exchange

United Nations Foundation

It can be tough for government decision makers to find current, reliable information on tried-and-tested technologies. The Exchange solves that problem by serving as a one-stop shop, featuring over 500 digital tools, products and opportunities for government technology decision makers, IT developers, and product vendors.

Social Impact Chatbot Database

We have collected over 40 chatbot projects by nonprofits and social businesses around the world that help build a more just, equal and sustainable future.

Digital Peacebuilder's Guide

Whether it’s hate speech in our social media or bringing together diverse groups for online training, digital tools can harm and help our peacebuilding initiatives.

CiviCRM's Find an Expert directory

A marketplace of vendors who can help implement, host, train, and develop custom solutions for groups using CiviCRM, Drupal, Wordpress, and more

Awesome Civic Tech (in Mexico)

Awesome Civic Tech (in Mexico)

Mexico (Estados Unidos Mexicanos)

This site contains a list created by the Codeando México community and curated by different volunteers with knowledge of civic technology projects in Mexico.

The ComProp Navigator

This is an online resource guide for civil society groups looking to better deal with the problem of disinformation.

AI for Sustainable Development Goals (AI4SDGs) Think Tank

A global collection of AI projects and proposals that impacts UN Sustainable Development Goals, both positively and negatively.

The Digital Security Community Directory of security and safety resources available in various Southeast Asian languages

Github's Open journalism Collection

See how publications and data-driven journalists use open source to power their newsroom and ensure information is reported fairly and accurately.


Теплица Социальных Технологий— это 5000+ полезных практических статей, чек-листов и видеоуроков, которые восполнят пробелы в знаниях и расширят набор инструментов для решения повседневных задач

Human Rights Connected Activist Toolkit

A catalog of over 500 resources filterable by language, type of support, and resource type

Airtable of JournalismAI Case Studies

Airtable of JournalismAI Case Studies

Houghton Street London WC2A 2AE

In the database, we collect the best case studies we come across, to ensure that everyone in our global network can learn from and be inspired by these creative applications of AI in journalism

Public Interest AI world map

Public Interest AI world map

Humboldt-Institut Berlin, Invalidenstraße, Berlin, Germany

This interactive global map of Public Interest AI projects aims to help foster research on Public Interest AI projects, demonstrate their self-understanding, and provide publicly accessible data about them to the broader public.

DIAL Catalog of Digital Solutions

The Catalog of Digital Solutions is an interactive online tool providing data and resources for donors, governments, procurers, and implementers to support their digital initiatives.

Arena Toolbox

Discover toolkits, tutorials, and templates for building winning campaigns.

Digital Worker Inquiry Project Gallery

A collection of tools designed to support gig economy workers



South America

A collection of tactics, cases, and guides to using information for activism

El Centro de Transferencia de Tecnología

El Centro de Transferencia de Tecnología publica un directorio general de aplicaciones o/y soluciones cuyo objetivo es favorecer la reutilización de soluciones por todas las Administraciones Públicas en España.

NYC Open Data Project Gallery

NYC Open Data Project Gallery

New York City, NY, USA

On the Open Data Project Gallery, you can find examples of open data in action and gain inspiration for projects of your own. See how NYC Open Data is used by activists to advocate for change, by entrepreneurs to develop products, by teachers to build analytics skills in the classroom, by government agencies to make data more accessible, and much more.

Demtech Navigator

Demtech Navigator

University of Oxford, 1 St Giles', Oxford OX1 3JS, UK

This is an online resource guide for civil society groups looking to better deal with the problem of disinformation. Let us know your concerns and we will suggest resources, curated by civil society practitioners and the Programme on Democracy and Technology.

Just One Giant Lab

Just One Giant Lab

Centre de Recherches Interdisciplinaires (CRI) - 8 bis rue Charles V, 75004, Paris

Just One Giant Lab (JOGL) is the first research and innovation laboratory operating as a distributed, open and massive mobilisation platform for collaborative task solving.

People Powered

People Powered is a global hub for participatory democracy - the direct participation of community members in making the policy decisions that affect their lives.

100 Climate Policy Breakthroughs

Apolitical's list of climate policy breakthroughs by governments around the world

Berlin Open Source

This page provides an overview of open source projects that are developed, commissioned or funded by public administrations in the state of Berlin

Where in the World is AI? Responsible & Unethical AI Examples

Everyone is talking about AI, but how and where is it actually being used? We've mapped out interesting examples where AI has been harmful and where it's been helpful.

PubinTech Project Map

Visualize the public-interest ecosystem of the private, public, academic and independent players that are directly (or indirectly!) collaborating on key public problems.

An Airtable with thousands of climate tech products, services, capital sources, and networks

Digital Public Goods Alliance Registry

A collection of open source digital public goods sorted by Sustainable Development Goals

AI Resources

AI Resources

2 rue André Pascal, 75775 Paris CEDEX 16, France

An evolving directory of tools and resources that OPSI believes may be useful for civil servants interested in the use of AI in government

2019 Digital Tools for Trade Unions Report

This report is a result of our scanning of digital tools that we believe can boost union outreach to members, particularly young members.

Civic Design Library

The Civic Design Library is a crowdsourced data set of civic design resources created by global practitioners working at the intersection of design and the public sector.

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