Graphic representing Vouliwatch


Parliamentary monitoring and democracy watchdog organisation using civic tech to promote transparency, accountability and citizen engagement.

Vouliwatch (“Vouli" means Parliament in Greek) is a non-partisan parliamentary monitoring/transparency promoting organisation that was set up and legally registered in Athens in March 2014 in response to the rising disillusionment of a large segment of the Greek population towards parliamentary democracy and the broader Greek political system.

The organisation’s main goal is to bridge the gap between citizens and their political representatives whilst promoting a culture of transparency, accountability and active citizenship. In doing so, Vouliwatch makes use of innovative digital technology applications whose purpose is to facilitate the monitoring of parliamentarians' activities (including their financial interests), the transparent communication between MPs/MEPs and their constituents as well as the recording of all parliamentary activity (legislative process).

Vouliwatch has managed in a very short space of time to establish itself as the leading advocacy and campaign organisation in Greece in the fields of transparency, open government and the freedom of access to information. Vouliwatch is a member of the Open Government Partnership, the United Nation’s Coalition Against Corruption (UNCAC), ALTER-EU and the Access to Information Network.

Status: Active
Open Source: No
Last Modified: 8/19/2024
Added on: 12/14/2023

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