The Tech > Advocacy tech > Watchdogging and transparency > Government transparency - (123)

Governments have the responsibility to share information with citizens in a readily understandable way. Openness and accountability will help to strengthen democracies and guarantee trust. The process of demanding transparency should also include public participation and citizen engagement. These platforms were created with the goal of offering information on how governments are spending money or implementing policies and what are the best ways in which citizens could monitor these processes.

Showing 123 Results

¿Quién vigila a los vigilantes?

Este proyecto nace con la intención de ser una campaña de sensibilización para proteger el derecho a la protesta y denunciar la persecución policial en espacios digitales.

Платформа прав людини

ППЛ – зареєстрована у 2016 році неприбуткова організація, яка об’єднала експертів з великим досвідом роботи та високим рівнем експертиз у неурядовому секторі.


This is a free and collaborative resource on the United States federal Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

Transparency International Slovenia

Borimo se za svet, v katerem oblast, politika, gospodarstvo, civilna družba in dnevno življenje ljudi ne bodo prepleteni s korupcijo.

Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico

En combinamos nuestra experiencia abriendo datos con amplias capacidades narrativas, investigativas y de desarrollo para crear bases de datos fiables y verificadas que promueven el conocimiento estratégico.

Querido Diário

Querido Diário

Brazil (Brasil)

Diários oficiais dos municípios brasileiros em formato aberto para a livre consulta da sociedade civil.

527 Explorer

527 Explorer

United States of America (the)

Nonprofits known as 527s can raise unlimited sums for political spending. ProPublica is releasing a new database that will allow journalists, researchers and others to more easily search these organizations’ finances.

Global ISDS Tracker (Investor-State Dispute Settlement)

This website tells a story of how a little known legal [corporate tribunal] mechanism is enriching fossil fuel corporations with public money, delaying climate action and threatening our future.

Joining the Dots

"Joining the Dots with PEPs" makes available to the public information on public officials’ Financial Declarations, government procurement and contracting, and contracts and tenders of companies in the extractive sector, with the aim of identifying possible conflicts of interest, corruption or misuse of public office.

The Open Gov Challenge

The Open Government Challenge is a call to action for all members of OGP to raise ambition in ten areas of open government to help strengthen our democracies.

Eye On Corruption

Eye on Corruption App is a mobile application which allows people to report/submit a corruption related complaint to the Advocacy and Legal Advice Centre (ALAC).

Northern Ireland Open Government Network (NIOGN)

The Northern Ireland Open Government Network (NIOGN), established in 2014, is an alliance of individual citizens, activists and representatives of community and voluntary organisations.

Wales Open Government Network

The Wales Open Government Network is a coalition of active citizens and civil society organisations committed to making Welsh Government work better for people through enhanced transparency, participation and accountability.

UK Open Government Network

UK Open Government Network

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

The UK Open Government Civil Society Networks are coalitions of active citizens and civil society organisations committed to making government work better for people through transparency, participation and accountability.

Scotland Civil Society Open Government Network

The Scotland Civil Society Open Government Network is a coalition of active citizens and civil society organisations committed to making Scottish government work better for people through enhanced transparency, participation and accountability.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

WhoFundsThem is mySociety's new project looking into MPs’ and APPGs’ financial interests.

Parliament Watch (Thailand)

An open-source comprehensive platform that serves as a one-stop solution for monitoring Thailand's parliament.

Digital Democracy

Digital Democracy

Sacramento, California, USA

AI-powered database where you can search California's legislators, lobbyists, donors, gifts, travel, bills, transcripts, videos, supporters, and organizations

NYC Funds Tracker

FPWA’s NYC Funds Tracker monitors New York City’s revenue and the flow to budget expenditures.

GovServices Monitor

This portal makes it easier for citizens to find information on government services and measure service levels in Nigeria.

Digital Rogue Society Experiment Group

Civil society organization craving for improved government, political parties, CSOs and businesses accountability with the introduction of reliable and innovative civic engagement solutions.


CivicSearch is a search and discovery tool for everything that is said in local government meetings, texts, and laws. It covers 547 cities and towns in the US and Canada.




Dieser Prototyp durchsucht die Schriftlichen Anfragen und die Hauptausschussvorgänge ("Rote Nummern") der Wahlperiode 19 des Berliner Abgeordnetenhauses und erstellt anhand eines Large Language Models Vorlagen für die Beantwortung der gestellten Frage.

Parlametar BA

Parlametar BA

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)

Parlametar je alat koji pomoću analize glasanja i transkripata govora zastupnika/ca olakšava praćenje rada Parlamentarne skupštine Bosne i Hercegovine.

Lokalni Index Otvorenosti

“Lokalni Index Otvorenosti” je kompozitni indikator koji mjeri stepen otvorenosti lokalnih samouprava prema građanima u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Javna rasprava Lokal

Javna rasprava Lokal

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)

Javna rasprava Lokal je web platforma koja je pokrenuta kao alat za poboljšanja dvosmjerne komunikacije između građana/ki i donosioca/teljki odluka na lokalnom nivou.

Open Council Data

Open Council Data

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

All UK councillors 2016-2023 + by-election info

The Government Says

"The Government Says" make news releases from Government departments easy to find and easy to scan through quickly.

Observatorio Cali Visible (OCV)

Institución de Educación Superior sujeta a control y vigilancia por el Ministerio de Educación Nacional”. Decreto 1075 de 2015 / Resolución 12220 de 2016

Citizen Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Citizen Intelligence Agency (OSINT) , monitoring key political figures and institutions, provides insights into financial performance, risk metrics, and political trends


Parliamentary monitoring and democracy watchdog organisation using civic tech to promote transparency, accountability and citizen engagement.

Right To Know (R2K), Nigeria

The Right To Know (R2K), Nigeria is a dynamic organisation established in 2007 to champion the right to access officially held information at all levels of government public institutions and establishing legal standards for these rights in Nigeria.

Zašto ne

Zašto ne

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)

Pratimo tačnost i dosljednost izjava i ispunjavanje obećanja, mjerimo otvorenost institucija, upoznajemo javnost s političkim procesima i političkim programima, zagovaramo otvorenost i odgovornost!



Tunisia (Tunis)

ONSHOR est une association créée en 2019. ONSHOR a pour objectif de stimuler la diffusion de l’information publique.

Derecho al Dato

Todos los ciudadanos tenemos derecho a acceder a la información que tienen los organismos del Estado o las empresas que administran recursos y servicios públicos.




An iLab Liberia project, in conjunction with mySociety, powered by Alaveteli

Hong Kong

Everyone has the right under the Hong Kong Code of Access to Information to ask for and receive access to information held by government departments and agencies.

Gobierto Transparencia

La herramienta para poner en marcha iniciativas de transparencia y rendición de cuentas.

Mano Valstybė

This website provides data on the turnover of leaders in municipal and state-owned enterprises, and their connections with political parties or associations.

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