Data for Policy is a premier global forum for interdisciplinary and cross-sector discussions around the impact and potential of the digital revolution in the government sector.

Data for Policy is a premier global forum for interdisciplinary and cross-sector discussions around the impact and potentials of the digital revolution in the government sector. Established in 2015 with its inaugural conference ‘Policy-Making in the Big Data Era', it is an independent non-profit initiative registered in the UK as a Community Interest Company. It is supported by a large number of key stakeholders, including prestigious academic institutions, government departments, international agencies, non-profit institutions, and businesses.

The inception of Data for Policy, in 2015, was as a result of the observation, by academics in the field, that the rapidly emerging and developing digital technologies can be utilised to inform and direct public policy. The central idea was to bring together technologists and those involved in public policy, and thereby facilitate an interdisciplinary forum of discussion.

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Status: Active
Founded: 2015
Last Modified: 11/24/2024
Added on: 6/22/2021

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