This page curates everything from open government data to visualization tools to data standards to algorithmic implementation. The only common thread is that all these data and data products share a commitment to civic interests.
We invite you to explore all of the data in the following categories that reflect the priority goals we’ve established to facilitate the delivery of efficient, effective and improved customer services.
Rudi est une plateforme de partage de données à l’échelle locale qui vise à permettre aux acteurs du territoire de partager facilement leurs données tout en en gardant la maîtrise, d’accéder en un même point à de nombreuses données et de créer des services numériques basés sur une gestion responsable et éthique des données. CONSULTER LE CATALOGUE DE DONNÉES (300+)
Warm Data Labs are group processes, which illustrate interdependency and generate understandings of systemic patterns for people with no previous exposure to systems theory.
Organizer provides community-focused organizations with the data and tools they need to foster meaningful connections and activate communities, so they can change the systems that are failing us.
For the benefit of researchers, practitioners, and the public we are proud to host a comprehensive and growing structured database of judges and their financial interests.
55-56 Russell Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1B 4HP, UK
Governments across the globe are on their way to building national-scale digital infrastructure. A comprehensive view of the state of DPI, however, is missing. The DPI Map addresses this.
Dataset Search is a search engine for datasets. Using a simple keyword search, users can discover datasets hosted in thousands of repositories across the Web.
43, Susaek-ro, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
데이터트러스트는 공익 단체, 공공 기관, 시민, 연구자 등 다양한 주체들이 함께 공익 데이터를 생산, 관리, 공유하는 데이터 거버넌스 체계를 만듭니다. (DataTrust creates a data governance system in which various entities, including public interest organizations, public institutions, citizens, and researchers, work together to produce, manage, and share public interest data)
Our goal is to identify, categorize, and quantify existing organizations, networks, and funders who work to promote and protect healthy democracy in America. We aim to create a compelling, interactive resource that educates and empowers users to engage in democracy.
Moved by these challenges, Nova SBE’s team, represented by the Nova SBE Data Science Knowledge Center, started mapping the social ecosystem by creating a public and easily accessible platform aimed at providing quality information in a simple, intuitive, complete, and fair way about all social and environmental impact organizations in Portugal.
The aim of the UN World Data Forum is to spur data innovation, nurture partnerships, mobilize high-level political and financial support for data, and build a pathway to better data for sustainable development.
A comprehensive collection of six years of telemetry data from three Google buildings, providing real-world insights for developing and validating optimal control solutions.
The Hand-in-Hand (HiH) Geospatial Platform is the enabling tool for the HiH Initiative unlocking over 2 million data layers for more targeted, evidence-based interventions.
FireBench is the largest high-fidelity wildfire simulation dataset, enabling the generation of ensembles of fire evolution scenarios and combining observational environmental data with high-fidelity simulations.
Data visualization plots showing the changing trends in outdoor concentrations of particulate matter (PM2.5) air pollution from 1850 to 2021 in cities around the world
A platform dedicated to monitoring and exposing censorship in Google Play Stores worldwide. We hope this initiative will be a step towards greater transparency and the promotion of digital freedom.
OpenGovLoc, a digital transformation project, is a scaling-up operation in 4 priority municipalities and the involvement of 20 other municipalities in the use of digital technology to promote accountability and local participation led by young people.
The Government of Flanders is developing the digital talents of all people of Flanders. It valorises data as a raw material of the economy and society and is working on the digital transformation of public service delivery.
El programa Cali Cómo Vamos, el laboratorio ciudadano Mi Cali Contrata Bien, la Unidad de Acción Vallecaucana y el observatorio Cali Visible, ponen a disposición una ruta de obtención de datos referidos a indicadores de bienestar y gestión pública de la ciudad.
Formerly Google Studio. Unlock the power of your data with interactive dashboards and beautiful reports that inspire smarter business decisions. It's easy and free.
Cali Cómo Vamos es un programa de seguimiento y evaluación de la calidad de vida en la ciudad, tiene como referencia el Programa “Bogotá Cómo Vamos”, adelantado desde 1998 por iniciativa de la Casa Editorial El Tiempo, la Cámara de Comercio de Bogotá y la Fundación Corona.