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Digital Community Stewards Online Course
Brussels, Belgium

A training program for digital community stewards (online group moderators and admins) focused on building social cohesion in online communities, and creating inclusive, engaging, and safe digital experiences within their online groups.

Three out of four people on the internet are part of an online group. These online experiences shape their perspectives, skills, and relationships – for good and for bad. _But what if we could prevent harm and build social cohesion in online groups? _This training curriculum aims to equip digital community stewards who host online groups to do just that.

In this nine-module curriculum created by Search for Common Ground, digital community stewards learn how to build inclusive, engaging, and safe digital experiences in their online groups. Whether they are hosting a WhatsApp, Facebook, Discord, or any other group, either public or private, these modules equip the digital community stewards to protect members from misinformation and harmful content and drive more inclusive and collaborative online experiences. The training also strengthens the leadership skills of stewards, while growing member engagement, building trust, promoting non-violent communication, and keeping members safe.

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