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Phoenix is an open source, non-commercial platform designed to enable peacebuilders and mediators to conduct ethical and participatory social media listening in order to inform conflict transformation work.

Using Collective Dialogues and AI to Find Common Ground Between Israeli and Palestinian Peacebuilders

Human Computer Interaction article by Andrew Konya, Luke Thorburn, Wasim Almasri, Oded Adomi Leshem, Ariel D. Procaccia, Lisa Schirch, Michiel A. Bakker

Contrer la désinformation avec l’IA - Studio Hirondelle RDC

An AI project uses natural language processing to identify and neutralize hate speech on community radios in eastern DRC, enhancing social cohesion and stability in conflict-affected areas by providing reliable information through adapted radio content.

 Digital Community Stewards Online Course

A training program for digital community stewards (online group moderators and admins) focused on building social cohesion in online communities, and creating inclusive, engaging, and safe digital experiences within their online groups.

Search for Common Ground

Since 1982, Search for Common Ground has been building peace, transforming societies, and using innovative tools to end violent conflict around the world.


Meet BridgeBot, a new chatbot which helps social media users bridge differences and build trust and understanding online.

Get the Trolls Out

A campaign that harnesses the power of social media to disseminate innovative media outputs and generate dialogue in order to deliver a powerful counter-narrative against diverse forms of hate speech, including antisemitism, anti-Muslim hate, anti-Christian sentiment.



The University of Edinburgh

PeaceRep – a consortium of research institutions, non-governmental organisations, and local research teams led by the University of Edinburgh Law School – has recently launched a mobile app provides insights and strategies to support women’s inclusion in peacemaking.



Centre for Policy Alternatives, 24/2, 28th Lane, off Flower Road, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka

Groundviews is a citizens journalism website based in Sri Lanka which uses a range of genres and media to highlight alternative perspectives on governance, human rights, the arts and literature, peace-building and other issues.



Palo Alto

JusticeAI is an open source platform and suite of tools that strategically apply machine learning, computer vision, and metadata analysis to sort, identify, and analyze digital media.



Columbia University, New York, NY, USA

WhoWasInCommand is our free to use, public database of military, police and other security and defense force units.

Security Force Monitor

Security Force Monitor

Columbia University, New York, NY, USA

We are a non-profit research group that analyzes thousands of public records to create a simple searchable database of the commanders and the command structures, locations, and areas of operations of security force units and investigate their potential connections to alleged human rights violations.

Build Peace

Build Peace is a conference that brings together practitioners, activists, artists and technologists from around the world to share experience and ideas.

PeaceTech Living Learning Community

Exploring the intersection of peace-building and technology—critically reflecting on the social impact of technology and fostering the creation of “tech for good.”

Peacetech Scalerator

PeaceTech Lab works to reduce violent conflict using technology, media, and data to accelerate and scale peacebuilding efforts

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