Graphic representing Digital Marketplace Digital Marketplace
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Use Digital Marketplace (previously CloudStore) to find digital specialists, cloud-based services and technology to build digital services for the public sector, eg cloud technology, IT health checks, technical architects, web designers

Find an individual specialist
eg a developer or user researcher

Find a team to provide an outcome
eg a booking system or accessibility audit

Find user research participants
eg people from a specific user group to test your service

Find a user research lab
eg a room to conduct research sessions

Find cloud hosting, software and support
eg content delivery networks or accounting software

Buy physical datacentre space
eg access to mission-critical datacentres

Organization Type: Government / public sector
Status: Active
Founded: 2013
Parent Organization: Government Digital Service UK
Last Modified: 3/19/2025
Added on: 6/22/2021

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