Measurement Lab is seeking three Research Fellows to expand Internet performance research beyond the measurement and optimization for bandwidth. Fellows will utilize M-Lab’s longitudinal, open dataset and/or platform to identify under-recognized Internet performance metrics that can be used to improve end user performance.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Relation between QoE and network metrics like bandwidth/latency/loss Novel metrics that can be computed on existing NDT data New measurements/experiments that could be deployed on M-Lab to diagnose network bottlenecks Characterizing paths measured by M-Lab clients; stability of paths, relation to paths of interest (eg., paths to content) or network characterization Proposals for new experiments to be hosted on the M-Lab platform Identification of biases in M-Lab data Implementing ideas introduced during M-Lab’s Community Call on Latency, Bufferbloat and Responsiveness and/or the IAB workshop on Network Quality

Organization Type: Non-profit / charity / foundation
Status: Active
Open Source: Yes
Last Modified: 11/24/2024
Added on: 12/1/2021

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