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Find your fellowship in civic tech or a related field. We track over 40 paid and unpaid fellowships around the world. You can share any fellowships we're missing here.

Showing 79 Results

Fritz Family Fellowship at Georgetown University Tech & Society

Building on expertise from across Tech & Society, the Fritz Family Fellowship aims to cultivate the next generation of leaders with expertise in the social impacts of technology, and build a network of public interest technologists who learn from and support each other’s work.

Migration and Technology Monitor Fellowship

Our THIRD annual fellowship program to support work from-the-ground-up on border and migration technologies is open!

Fellowship for Maintainers

Fellowship for Maintainers

Germany (Deutschland)

A pilot program to pay maintainers of critical open source technologies.

The AI Governance Fellowship

The AI Governance Fellowship is a pioneering program dedicated to advancing the fairness and integrity of AI technologies in the Global South, with a focus on African nations.

Civic Changemakers Fellowship

In 2020, the initiative launched a yearly civic innovation and governance training to empower community champions to become lifelong changemakers by developing and scaling solutions for disrupting civic participation and improving governance and social justice in their communities.

Engaged Athlete Fellowship

Starting in the fall of 2023, this fellowship will empower student athletes from across the country to strengthen non-partisan civic participation on their teams, on their campuses, and in their broader communities.

Digital Impact Alliance Research Fellowship

We are proud to announce the launch of our first cohort of Research Fellows, bringing together a small group of multidisciplinary academics, digital development practitioners, and digital rights experts, working at the forefront of digital transformation efforts around the world.

AI Accountability Network

Pulitzer Center: Working with journalists and newsrooms that represent the diversity of the communities affected by AI technologies, the Network seeks to address the knowledge imbalance on artificial intelligence that exists in the journalism industry and to create a multidisciplinary and collaborative ecosystem that enables journalists to report on this fast-evolving topic with skill, nuance, and impact.


OSLabs is a nonprofit tech accelerator devoted to furthering high-impact open source software within a collaborative community of dedicated engineers and mentors.

Municipalism Cohort Fellowship

The Municipalism Cohort Fellowship is a 12-week online program, beginning on September 16th 2023 and ending December 2nd, that presents radical municipalist theory and practice to grassroots organizers trying to reclaim the right to their cities and self-organize as rebel cities.  

The Landecker Democracy Fellowship

Annually, the Fellowship brings together a group of diverse leaders from the European Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States who spend one year creating projects that reinvent democratic spaces.

AI Accountability Fellowships

The Al Accountability Fellowships seek to support journalists working on in-depth AI accountability stories that examine governments' and corporations’ uses of predictive and surveillance technologies to guide decisions in policing, medicine, social welfare, the criminal justice system, hiring, and more.

The Democracy Tech Entrepreneur Fellowship

Our democracy tech entrepreneurs fellows are selected from Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, and Armenia, which all live in the menacing shadow of Russia.

JournalismAI Fellowship Programme

JournalismAI Fellowship Programme

Houghton Street London WC2A 2AE

The JournalismAI Fellowship Programme is a free online initiative that brings together journalists and technologists from media organisations worldwide to explore innovative solutions to improve journalism via the use of AI technologies.

Newspeak House Residency

Newspeak House Residency

Newspeak House, Bethnal Green Road, London, UK

At the heart of Newspeak House is its residential programme, running since 2015. Seven residents spend a year immersed in these communities, enjoying the chance to meet thousands of people and attend events held on their doorstep.

Movement School

We aim to translate activist power into political power by changing how we develop campaign leadership.

Black Voices in the Public Sphere Fellowship

Boston Review’s Black Voices in the Public Sphere Fellowship  is designed to prepare and support a more diverse generation of  journalists, editors, and publishers.

Advancing Democracy Fellowship

Advancing Democracy Fellowship

United States of America (the)

This joint initiative from Hearken, Solutions Journalism Network and Trusting News will equip newsroom-based journalists to transform their coverage of democracy through solutions-focused reporting that builds trust and avoids polarization.

The Starling Lab Journalism Fellowship

The Starling Lab, a research center anchored at Stanford University’s School of Engineering and the University of Southern California’s Shoah Foundation, has developed a ground-breaking framework to combat mis/disinformation by tracking the provenance of digital content through the use of open-source tools, best practices and case studies designed to help reduce information uncertainty.

Judicial Innovation Fellowship Program

Judicial Innovation Fellowship Program

Georgetown University, Washington, DC

The Justice Innovation Fellowship program places technologists and designers in state, local, and tribal courts to improve the public’s access to justice.

SMEX Fellowship on Technology and Human Rights

SMEX is launching the inaugural SMEX Fellowship Programme to bring new minds and voices to the digital rights field, raise innovative solutions to the many-layered issues that govern use and access to the internet, and expand research on emerging topics within digital rights in the MENA region.

Green Web Fellowship

Green Web Fellowship

Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

The Green Web Foundation is seeking five practitioners for a paid part-time fellowship of 10 months for our 2023 cohort.

Fuse Corps

Fuse Corps

San Francisco

FUSE increases the capacity of local governments to engage communities, advance racial equity, and work more effectively for everyone.

Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows

The Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellows Program hosts democracy activists, scholars, and journalists for five-month fellowships, bringing fresh insights and perspectives to Washington, DC.

Hurford Youth Fellowship

The Hurford Youth Fellowship Program seeks to build the leadership skills and harness the potential of young democracy activists from around the world.

Information Futures Lab Fellows Program

The Information Futures Fellowship is a novel opportunity for practitioners in public health, healthcare, community organizations, media, policy, design and other fields who are actively working on responses to the ongoing information crisis.

African Digital Democracy Observatory Resident Fellows

The African Digital Democracy Observatory (ADDO) is offering a series of seed grants and additional technical support for targeted research into how both state-affiliated and other lobbyist groups use influence/information operations and disinformation and targeted propaganda to subvert African democracies. The initial research grants focus on four countries: Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria and Senegal.

Emerson Collective Fellowship

Emerson Collective Fellowship

United States of America (the)

Encouraging individuals of exceptional talent and creativity to advance bold new projects in education, immigration, the environment, social justice, media, and health.

Disability Futures Fellows at Ford Foundation

Disability Futures Fellows at Ford Foundation

Ford Foundation Building, East 43rd Street, New York, NY, USA

Created by, for and with disabled practitioners, Disability Futures is an initiative—developed in partnership with The Andrew W

Digital Lab Fellowship at Consumer Reports

The Digital Lab Fellowship is a paid, non-resident opportunity to uncover and address emerging consumer harms in the digital world

Building Digital Government Talent Pipelines

This Code for Canada case study underscores what is possible when it comes to onboarding and implementing digital talent in government

The City Fellowship at Company Ventures

The public-private initiative supports Black, Indigenous, People of Color (BIPOC), and women-led small businesses, nonprofits, cooperatives, and technology startups that are building a more equitable and sustainable future for New York City.

Education Policy Impact Fellowships

Education Policy Impact Fellowships

United States of America (the)

two new Impact Fellowships for S&T experts seeking to advance smart education policy: The Learning Acceleration Fellowship at the Department of Education’s Institute of Education Sciences and the Data Science Impact Fellowship within the Office of the Under Secretary at the Department of Education.

Stanford Impact Lab Design Fellowship

Stanford Impact Lab Design Fellowship

Stanford University, Serra Mall, Stanford, CA, USA

We make one-year, $50,000 investments in faculty from across the university who want to conceptualize new impact labs through participation in our year-long Impact Lab Design Fellowship.

Measurement Lab Research Fellows 2022

Measurement Lab is seeking three Research Fellows to expand Internet performance research beyond the measurement and optimization for bandwidth. Fellows will utilize M-Lab’s longitudinal, open dataset and/or platform to identify under-recognized Internet performance metrics that can be used to improve end user performance.

Civics Unplugged

Civics Unplugged

New York City

The Civics Unplugged Fellowship is a 3-month civic leadership program that empowers high school students with the training, funding, and network they need to become civic innovators that build a brighter future for humanity.

Just Tech Fellowship

Just Tech Fellowship

United States of America (the)

The Social Science Research Council's Just Tech Fellowship supports and mobilizes diverse and cross-sector cohorts of researchers and practitioners to imagine and create more just, equitable, and representative technological futures.

Civic Design Fellowship

Civic Design Fellowship

United States of America (the)

Join us as the 2022 Civic Design Fellow. In a 4-month program, from January to April, you’ll take your interest in democracy as a design problem to the next level, working with the Center for Civic Design team and completing an independent project exploring the intersection of language access and voting participation.

Civic Science Fellows

The overarching goal of the Civic Science Fellows Program is to co-create strong, diverse, and inclusive connections between science and civic life.

U.S. Digital Corps

U.S. Digital Corps

Washington, DC

The U.S. Digital Corps is a two‑year government fellowship to launch your career at the intersection of technology and public service.

City Bureau Civic Reporting Residency

City Bureau Civic Reporting Residency

6100 S Blackstone Ave, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

A 10-week program for journalists of all levels to learn our community-centered reporting process while covering the South and West Sides

Next City's Vanguard Conference

The Vanguard conference is an experiential urban leadership gathering of rising urban leaders working to improve cities across sectors, including urban planning, community development, entrepreneurship, government, transportation, sustainability, design, art and media. By selection only.



110 E Houston St. San Antonio, TX 78205

The Innovation Bridge Between the City of San Antonio and its Residents

Google Digital News Initiative

The Digital News Innovation Fund (DNI Fund) is a European programme that's part of the Google News Initiative, an effort to help journalism thrive in the digital age.

Shuttleworth Fellows

Shuttleworth Fellows

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

The Shuttleworth Foundation offers fellowships to individuals to implement their innovative idea for social change. We are most interested in exceptional ideas at the intersection between technology, knowledge and learning, with openness being the key requirement.

Presidential Innovation Fellows

Presidential Innovation Fellows

1800 F St NW, Washington, DC 20006, United States

We must harness new ideas and technology to remake our government.

Ashoka Fellowship

A global organization that identifies and invests in leading social entrepreneurs -- individuals with innovative and practical ideas for solving social problems.

Coding it Forward Fellowship

Coding it Forward Fellowship

1201 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA

Applications open on Tuesday, October 15 for the Coding it Forward Fellowship - a paid, 10 week summer fellowship that empowers early-career technologists to innovate in local, state, and federal government offices across the United States.

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