The Tech > Civic data > Data science for social good - (112)

Data science is used to "unify statistics, data analysis, machine learning and their related methods" to "understand and analyze actual phenomena" using data. (Hayashi, Chikio, 1996. "What is Data Science? Fundamental Concepts and a Heuristic Example").

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Coders Beyond Borders

Coders Beyond Borders

Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

Coders Beyond Borders: Empowering newcomers with essential tech skills for seamless integration and success in Europe’s tech landscape.

Factstream AI

Factstream AI

Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

FactStream AI utilizes advanced artificial intelligence to simplify access to essential legal information for newcomers and new community members across Europe.

Diagonal Works

Diagonal Works

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

We strive to support the development of more equitable and inclusive places through our belief in open, collaborative and data informed urbanism.

Baseline vulnerable road user injury risk in multiple U.S. dense urban driving environments

Waymo partnered with dashcam company Nexar to analyze 500 million miles of driving, including 335 crashes, to create the 'largest ever’ dataset of pedestrian and cyclist injuries

Landlord Mapper

Landlord Mapper

Chicago, IL

Landlord database & interactive map to promote property ownership transparency in rental markets

Data 4 Public Good

Data 4 Public Good is a collective space where we share insights, learnings, and have conversations on topics including; Digital justice, Afrofuturism, Data and data privacy, AI and much more. We aim to tap into the collective power of community-based changemaking through technology, democracy, and justice.

Data For Crisis

A collaborative work between DW Akademie and SocialLab to provide credible raw and aggregated data from Social Networks about crisis-related topics like COVID and Migration to support media practitioners and researchers with free access to public data

Data Science for Social Good (Portugal)

Ajudamos organizações sem fins lucrativos, não governamentais e governamentais a aproveitar o poder dos seus dados, para melhorar o seu impacto na comunidade.


We are a non-profit that partners with state criminal justice agencies to advance their use of data and reduce incarceration.

Riding Forward: Overhauling Citi Bike’s Contract for Better, More Equitable Service

This report reviews Citi Bike’s performance to-date and recommends a comprehensive contract overhaul to ensure more reliable and equitable service, with a strategic mix of performance standards, attention to equitable service, and incentives to enable Citi Bike to thrive as a key element of the transportation network – whether under Lyft or a new operator.

AQI to Cigarette

AQI to Cigarette

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan

This reveals the equivalent cigarette intake based on Air Quality Index (AQI) and exposure time, offering a powerful wake-up call to the health impacts of poor air quality.



San Francisco

Aquaya is a data-driven nonprofit organization that is dedicated to improving safe water and sanitation access in low-resource settings.

Creating a better justice system with data

Exygy's collaboration with the CROP Organization and their work aggregating reentry data across the state of California.

The Center for New Data

The Center for New Data

United States of America (the)

The Center for New Data is a non-profit using big data to build a stronger democracy.

Data in the ATL

Data in the ATL

Georgia (US state)

PIDLit’s Data in the ATL and Data Empowered Events series features local and global professionals and social justice advocates who use data analysis & visualization in their daily work and careers.

The Bloomberg Philanthropies City Data Alliance

The Bloomberg Philanthropies City Data Alliance is identifying 100 mayors that are the most sophisticated, ambitious, and advanced at harnessing data and help them set a new standard for local governments committed to using data to power better results for residents.


IDinsight is a mission-driven global advisory, data analytics, and research organization that helps global development leaders maximize their social impact.

Case Western Reserve Certificate in Data Sciences for Social Impact

The Jack, Joseph and Morton Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences and the Case School of Engineering, two of Case Western Reserve University's top schools, have developed a Certificate in Data Sciences for Social Impact.

NYU Public Safety Lab

NYU Public Safety Lab

New York University

Using data + social science to support communities' efforts to improve equity and efficiency in public safety outcomes


deon is a command line tool that allows you to easily add an ethics checklist to your data science projects. We support creating a new, standalone checklist file or appending a checklist to an existing analysis in many common formats.

Equitech Scholars

An 8-week program for current undergraduates to learn how to use data science and AI for social impact

Equitech Futures' Civic Tech Institute

The Civic Tech Institute at Equitech Futures empowers leaders in the social sector - governments, nonprofits, and social enterprises - with the data and technology skills critical to achieving impact at scale.

Data Activism program for Cambridge Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program

six-week Data Activism curriculum to equip students with critical-thinking skills so they feel prepared to utilize data science to challenge social injustice and empower their community

Using Local Data to Address Structural Racism | Putting Local Data to Work

In its latest program to support local efforts to leverage data in community change, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Urban Institute (Urban) awarded a total of $1.5 million to 38 organizations across the US and its territories through the Using Local Data to Address Structural Racism grant program.

Community Lattice

Community Lattice is a social enterprise that helps communities understand and optimize land revitalization programs, like EPA Brownfields, as a pathway to environmental and climate justice.

Wicked Problems Might Inspire Greater Data Sharing

Wicked Problems Might Inspire Greater Data Sharing

The George Washington University, I Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

A report on 'data for good' efforts by Susan Ariel Aaronson, George Washington University

The Turing Way: Community-led guides for data science and open research

The Turing Way: Community-led guides for data science and open research

The Alan Turing Institute, Euston Road, London, UK

Alan Turing has long proved a subject of fascination, but following the centenary of his birth in 2012, the code-breaker, computer pioneer, mathematician (and much more) has become even more celebrated with much media coverage, and several meetings, conferences and books raising public awareness of Turing's life and work.

DataKind UK

DataKind UK

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

We help social change organisations use data science

Dark Data Project

The Dark Data Project helps organizations uncover, deobfuscate, semantify and analyze problematic datasets


Ethical data labelling platform for AI & data processing


Polaris holds the largest known data set on human trafficking in North America, which grew out of more than a decade of operating the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline.




Eduplana is a civic tech organization that uses data to advocate for quality education in Nigeria. We believe every citizen should have equal access to quality education with no bias on their location or status in Nigeria.

Pulse Lab Jakarta

Pulse Lab Jakarta is a joint data innovation facility of the United Nations (Global Pulse) and the Government of Indonesia (via the Ministry of National Development Planning, Bappenas).

ANCIR Investigative Lab (iLab)

The ANCIR iLab uses forensic data science techniques to expose the networks that disseminate and amplify misinformation, disinformation, and toxic content (such as hate speech or extremism) with a special focus on coordinated inauthentic behaviour and other influence/information operations.

Solve for Good

Solve for Good is the Data Science for Social Good Foundation's platform for social good organizations to post data projects they need help with, for volunteers to help scope those projects into well-defined problems, and to help solve those problems.

Analytics Exchange

Analytics Exchange

New York City

A community of practice for data analysts across City agencies that has since grown to over 800 members at more than 60 agencies.


We are a digital agency focused on innovative work for social good.

Seam Social Labs

Seam Social Labs

New York City

We are a group of badass scientists who use technology to empower communities across America. Resource Library Resource Library

The Rockefeller Foundation, 5th Avenue, New York, NY, USA

Practical information and inspirational ideas to help social impact organizations use data science to solve the world's biggest problems.


We help government teams gather & analyze inclusive data to achieve equitable outcomes. Get actionable insights faster with our cloud-based solution.



Abuja, Nigeria

Dataphyte is a media research and data analytics organisation with the mission to deploy data tools and technology for the socio-economic development of Nigeria.

Measurement Lab Research Fellows 2022

Measurement Lab is seeking three Research Fellows to expand Internet performance research beyond the measurement and optimization for bandwidth. Fellows will utilize M-Lab’s longitudinal, open dataset and/or platform to identify under-recognized Internet performance metrics that can be used to improve end user performance.

The Narrative Observatory

With data infrastructure purpose-built to deliver audience-based insights, narrative and network analysis, and empirical validation of cultural strategy and content, we help strategists and creative practitioners identify story opportunities and challenges across a range of social issues.

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