Graphic representing Transparency & Accountability Initiative Grants Database

Transparency & Accountability Initiative Grants Database
1100 13th Street NW Suite 800 Washington, D.C. 20005

Includes funding from Ford, Hewlett, Luminate, MacArthur, OpenSocietyFoundation, and Chandler foundations totaling over half a billion dollars

Each year, TAI Members share their grants data with the Secretariat. Most of this data is already publicly available on their respective websites, however the Secretariat has now published all of its members’ grant data in one central place. We hope this makes for more efficient searches for funders and practitioners keen to know what organizations are supported by TAI members. The data contained here is that self-reported by our members as representing their transparency, participation and accountability related grants.

Due to differences in reporting terminology, the Secretariat harmonized differences between various grant types (core, project, program, etc.) as best possible. Therefore, the graph below is likely not 100% accurate in reporting core vs project funding dynamics, but provides an overview.

This data is current as of October 2020 and will be updated again in January 2022.

Organization Type: Non-profit / charity / foundation
Status: Active
Parent Organization: Transparency & Accountability Initiative (TAI)
Last Modified: 12/4/2024
Added on: 10/14/2023

Project Categories

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