This is our growing list of funders and donors that have supported civic tech efforts over the years. Not all fund exclusively civic tech, but if they're in this collection, they either currently support this work or have at some point in the past.
The Civic Innovation Fund (CIF) is a unique European pooled fund of THE CIVICS Innovation Hub. It pioneers new ideas in civil society, enhances their visibility, and integrates them into NECE, a growing pan-European network of civic educators.
Die DATUM STIFTUNG für Journalismus und Demokratie leistet ganz konkrete und zielgerichtete Beiträge, um Qualität und Unabhängigkeit des Journalismus und damit seine Abwehrkräfte gegenüber autoritären Tendenzen zu stärken und verfolgt dabei eine systemische Herangehensweise.
By investing in innovative new solutions driving change across the key pillars of digital inclusion, WiDEF is transforming the lives of women and girls both online and offline.
The Breakout Program is a $250,000 seed funding initiative launched by eQualitie to support innovations in digital communication that can withstand network shutdowns and censorship of global connectivity.
The Fund is a shared space for philanthropists to leverage one another’s expertise, incubate investment strategies to advance visionary concepts, and catalyze big ideas that can transform the use of technology to serve the public interest.
Tech for Democracy is a Danish-led initiative that brings together representatives from governments, multilateral organisations, tech industry and civil society to make technology work for democracy and human rights, not against them.
Poynter Institute for Media Studies, 3rd Street South, St. Petersburg, FL, USA
To support fact-checking on WhatsApp, the International Fact-Checking Network is offering a new round of its Spread the Facts grant program in partnership with Meta to combat AI-generated misinformation.
The Catalyst Fund was launched in October 2023 to support the burgeoning ecosystem of actors working on the intersection of digital rights and climate justice to build cross-territorial strategies and weave thematic threads across movements.
Advising, Educating, Investing and Partnering in solutions that promote ecosystems we can trust…through information integrity, quality, and transparency (IQT)
2025 M Street Northwest, Downtown, Washington, DC 20036, USA
The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Sustainability Fund is Open Technology Fund’s newest mechanism to support the long-term maintenance of established FOSS projects and the communities that sustain them.
Microgrants of up to $3,000 will be awarded, on a rolling basis, to STEM groups led by master’s, PhD, postdoc, or professional students to design and execute projects that create dialogue with public officials, local community leaders, and the public around issues of common concern.
A family of interrelated justice-seeking organizations that both independently and collectively work to reimagine and reconstruct a more inclusive and equitable technology sector.
Established by MacKenzie Scott to share a financial fortune created through the effort of countless people, Yield is named after a belief in adding value by giving up control.
We fund startups across nearly all technology areas and markets like artificial intelligence, energy, medical devices, robotics, semiconductors, and many more.
Supports research, implementation and education projects involving multi-sector teams that focus on the responsible design, development or deployment of technologies.
Mit ihren Projekten, Studien und Veranstaltungen regt die Bertelsmann Stiftung Debatten an und gibt Impulse für gesellschaftliche Veränderungen. Gemeinnützige Arbeit und nachhaltige Wirkung sind die Grundlagen ihres Handelns. Die Initiativen der Stiftung zeigen nicht nur Lösungen auf, sondern schaffen empirisch gestützte Orientierung in einer breiten Öffentlichkeit.
The Next Generation Internet (NGI) is a European Commission (EC) initiative that aims to shape the development and evolution of the Internet into an Internet of Trust.
1991 Broadway Street, Suite 200, Redwood City, California 94063
$30 million initial investment will bridge gaps between industry, civil society, and policymakers, broadening generative AI infrastructure in service of society, Google’s philanthropic arm, is providing $15M to The Asia Foundation to launch the APAC Cybersecurity Fund in partnership with CyberPeace Institute and Global Cyber Alliance to bolster cyber capabilities of 300,000 underserved micro and small businesses, nonprofits, and social enterprises.
IMS is the largest media development organisation in the Nordic region. We work in more than 30 countries across four continents promoting press freedom, good journalism and safety for journalists.
Civitates provides funding for civil society actors to come together, revitalise public discourse, and ensure that all voices are heard. Because we need a strong civil society to shape vibrant and open European democracies that work for all.
Philea (Philanthropy Europe Association) is the leading organisation for foundations, philanthropic organisations and networks working for the common good in Europe. It aims to create connections and knowledge sharing between its members.
The EMIF is entrusted with an objective of public interest to support fact-checking and media literacy initiatives, as well as fundamental research projects, with a view to addressing the phenomenon of online disinformation in Europe and promoting a more resilient and fact-based digital information ecosystem.
We identify political changemakers in Europe and provide them with financial resources, strategic advice, practical support and a community of practice to advance their mission of reimagining politics.
The Oslo Governance Centre (OGC) is UNDPs dedicated Global Policy Centre for Governance issues. It promotes transformative governance for peaceful, just and inclusive societies.
Ford Foundation Building, East 43rd Street, New York, NY, USA
The Dignity and Justice Fund is a pooled grantmaking fund designed to make high-impact grants to advance social justice and equity globally. Includes a $10M+ grant from Apple.