The People > Get funding - (313)

Resources to help you find financial support for your work, no matter which type you seek.

Recommended reading: Considered Capital's Funding Resource Library Reason Street's Business Model Library

Showing 313 Results

ESRC Digital Good Network

ESRC Digital Good Network

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Building a research community focused on what a good digital society should look like and how we get there.

Charities Affected by Freeze in Foreign Assistance Funding

Charity Navigator's list of 3- and 4-star organizations whose programs may be affected by the Trump Administration's funding freeze.

Hedging for Sustainability: Twenty Revenue Streams for Democracy, Rights, and Governance Non-Governmental Organizations

NGOs in the democracy, rights, and governance space are facing unprecedented cuts to their funding. This blog explores new revenue streams to help them continue their critical work.

Global Aid Freeze Tracker

These are the results of a survey measuring the impact on organizations across the world affected by the US Government aid freeze.

GitLab Foundation

GitLab Foundation

United States of America (the)

Improving people’s lifetime earnings through access to opportunities.



Finland (Suomi)

Tulevaisuustalona tehtävämme on edistää Suomen hyvinvointia ja vauhdittaa talouden kasvua luonnon kantokyvyn rajoissa. Luotaamme tulevaa, tuotamme innovaatioita ja uudistamme yhteiskuntaa.




Since 1995, we've coordinated the philanthropic endeavours founded by the Brenninkmeijer family business owners, continuing a tradition of social engagement stretching back as far as 1841.

Civic Innovation Fund (CIF)

The Civic Innovation Fund (CIF) is a unique European pooled fund of THE CIVICS Innovation Hub. It pioneers new ideas in civil society, enhances their visibility, and integrates them into NECE, a growing pan-European network of civic educators.

Sunstorm Foundation

Sunstorm Foundation

Paris, France

We are seeding a future in which ‍truth is a shared asset, and trust between citizens in Europe is fostered by transparency in the digital sphere.

NLnet Foundation

NLnet Foundation

Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

We support organisations and people who contribute to an open internet for all.

DATUM STIFTUNG für Journalismus und Demokratie

Die DATUM STIFTUNG für Journalismus und Demokratie leistet ganz konkrete und zielgerichtete Beiträge, um Qualität und Unabhängigkeit des Journalismus und damit seine Abwehrkräfte gegenüber autoritären Tendenzen zu stärken und verfolgt dabei eine systemische Herangehensweise.

Fondation Botnar

Fondation Botnar

Basel, Switzerland

Fondation Botnar works with and for young people towards a world that fulfils their rights and supports their wellbeing.

Media Forward Fund

The Media Forward Fund funds media diversity in Germany, Austria and Switzerland



Buenos Aires

We are a non-profit organization that has created the ideal platform, a SFRM (Sustainability Flow Relationship Manager), to donate, make responsible purchases, measure the impact of your teams, and connect with thousands of organizations that are changing the world.

Local Infrastructure Hub

Local Infrastructure Hub

United States of America (the)

The Local Infrastructure Hub is a national program designed to connect cities and towns with the resources and expert advice they need to access federal infrastructure funding in order to drive local progress, improve communities, and deliver results for residents.

Women in the Digital Economy Fund

By investing in innovative new solutions driving change across the key pillars of digital inclusion, WiDEF is transforming the lives of women and girls both online and offline.


Connect your cause to new donors through the world's biggest companies - only on Goodstack.

AI for Collective Intelligence Rapid Response Fund

AI for Collective Intelligence Rapid Response Fund

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

The AI4CI Hub’s Rapid Response Fund offers an exciting opportunity for small-scale, high-impact projects that unite academic and non-academic partners from across the UK. This fund is designed to support collaboration on AI for Collective Intelligence research, with the potential to achieve concrete outcomes that pave the way for more significant research activities.

Prêmio "CLEODON SILVA" de Soluções Digitais Livres

A iniciativa visa fomentar o desenvolvimento de soluções inovadoras para a gestão do fomento à cultura no Brasil, em homenagem à memória de Cleodon Silva.

Breakout program

The Breakout Program is a $250,000 seed funding initiative launched by eQualitie to support innovations in digital communication that can withstand network shutdowns and censorship of global connectivity.

Election Day to Every Day

Democracy Fund program dedicated to bridging critical gaps to support the safety, strength, and sustainability of groups working at the frontlines of our democracy.

Fellowship for Maintainers

Fellowship for Maintainers

Germany (Deutschland)

A pilot program to pay maintainers of critical open source technologies.

Public Interest Tech Fund

Public Interest Tech Fund

United States of America (the)

The Fund is a shared space for philanthropists to leverage one another’s expertise, incubate investment strategies to advance visionary concepts, and catalyze big ideas that can transform the use of technology to serve the public interest.

Tides Foundation

Tides is a nonprofit and philanthropic organization dedicated to advancing social justice.



San Francisco

Block Head - Jack Dorsey's public fund for global COVID-19 relief. After the pandemic, the focus will shift to girl’s health and education, and UBI.

AI for Climate and Nature Grand Challenge

Can modern AI help solve today’s critical challenges of climate change and nature loss? The Grand Challenge will offer up to $100 million in total funding over three rounds.

African Union Civic Tech Fund (AUCTF)

African Union Civic Tech Fund (AUCTF)

Johannesburg, South Africa

The African Union Civic Tech Fund supports initiatives, particularly those led by or relevant to youth, that strengthen citizen engagement through the innovative use of data and digital technologies, or, in other words, that can support targeted civic technology solutions.

maze impact

We are an impact investment firm that offers financial and non-financial tools to everyone committed to delivering positive social and environmental outcomes.

Rural and Nonmetro Election Infrastructure Grant Program

CTCL is thrilled to launch a nonpartisan grant program to help rural and nonmetro election jurisdictions ensure reliable and secure elections consistent with applicable law.

Spread the Facts Grant Program

Spread the Facts Grant Program

Poynter Institute for Media Studies, 3rd Street South, St. Petersburg, FL, USA

To support fact-checking on WhatsApp, the International Fact-Checking Network is offering a new round of its Spread the Facts grant program in partnership with Meta to combat AI-generated misinformation.

Double the Donation

Double the Donation

Atlanta, GA, USA

Raise more money from corporate matching gifts.

Catalyst Fund

The Catalyst Fund was launched in October 2023 to support the burgeoning ecosystem of actors working on the intersection of digital rights and climate justice to build cross-territorial strategies and weave thematic threads across movements.

Lever for Change

Lever for Change connects donors with problem solvers to find and fund bold, effective solutions to accelerate social change.


Give directly to worthy causes and get a video update showing the difference you make.

Open Source Collective

Open Source Collective

United States of America (the)

Non-profit fiscal host promoting a healthy and sustainable open source ecosystem.

Democracy Capital

Advising, Educating, Investing and Partnering in solutions that promote ecosystems we can trust…through information integrity, quality, and transparency (IQT)

SoJo Europe

This grant programme aims to respond to the need for media organisations across Europe to pursue different approaches to increase reader trust, audience share, and revenue by creating a cross-European solutions journalism knowledge hub and encouraging systemic cooperation between professional news media organisations.

Free and Open Source Software Sustainability Fund

Free and Open Source Software Sustainability Fund

2025 M Street Northwest, Downtown, Washington, DC 20036, USA

The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) Sustainability Fund is Open Technology Fund’s newest mechanism to support the long-term maintenance of established FOSS projects and the communities that sustain them.

Use of AI tools in funding applications

Use of AI tools in funding applications

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

The Research Funders Policy Group, of which Wellcome is a member, sets out expectations around the use of generative AI tools in funding applications.

Impala For Grantmakers

Coming Soon: Your virtual philanthropy assistant to maximize the impact of your giving in line with your goals.



Brooklyn, NY

By connecting nonprofits and funders in one place, Impala equips you with the data, insights and relationships you need to succeed.

Impala For Fundraisers

Your virtual fundraising assistant for institutional philanthropy.

Civic Engagement Microgrant Program

Microgrants of up to $3,000 will be awarded, on a rolling basis, to STEM groups led by master’s, PhD, postdoc, or professional students to design and execute projects that create dialogue with public officials, local community leaders, and the public around issues of common concern.

Kapor Center

Kapor Center

Oakland, California

A family of interrelated justice-seeking organizations that both independently and collectively work to reimagine and reconstruct a more inclusive and equitable technology sector.

Information Society Innovation Fund (ISIF Asia)

The APNIC Foundation’s main grants and awards fund...provides funding across Infrastructure, Inclusion and Knowledge.

Digital Rights Fund for West Asia and North Africa

This initiative aims to empower individuals, informal groups, and entities to effectively counter digital rights threats and violations online.

Yield Giving

Yield Giving

United States of America (the)

Established by MacKenzie Scott to share a financial fortune created through the effort of countless people, Yield is named after a belief in adding value by giving up control.

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