Graphic representing Census Hard to Count Maps

Census Hard to Count Maps
United States of America (the)

Mapping Hard to Count (HTC) Communities for a Fair and Accurate 2020 Census

You can use the map to:
Prioritize hard-to-count communities for your Get Out the Count campaign
You can zoom to any area in the country and the map will highlight the local hard-to-count tracts and provide details about how much of the area's population may be at risk of an undercount. You can also view local resources in hard-to-count areas such as public library branches.
Search by census tract, address, ZIP Code, landmark, county, state, or legislative district
The map color-codes the hardest-to-count tracts in the country. You can click on or tap any tract (or search by address) to find out important population information, such as:
How many households mailed back their census questionnaire in 2010 (i.e., how much of the tract may require more costly in-person follow up by the Census Bureau in 2020); and
How much of the tract is populated by groups that are at risk of being undercounted, such as children under 5, households with poor internet access, recent immigrants, and more.
Enhance your educational campaign supporting an adequate Census budget
When you search for a district, the information panel to the left of the map provides contacts for each congressional & state representative and US Senator.

Status: Active
Last Modified: 11/24/2024
Added on: 6/22/2021

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