The Tech > Civic data > Data visualization - (196)

Tools and platforms that visually present information and facilitate understanding of it, such as dashboards. See The Data Viz Catalog for a catalog of types of data visualizations.

Suggested reading:

Better Data Visualizations. Over 500 examples and strategies for effective visual communication.

Showing 196 Results

Querido Diário

Querido Diário

Brazil (Brasil)

Diários oficiais dos municípios brasileiros em formato aberto para a livre consulta da sociedade civil.

Data For Crisis

A collaborative work between DW Akademie and SocialLab to provide credible raw and aggregated data from Social Networks about crisis-related topics like COVID and Migration to support media practitioners and researchers with free access to public data

NYC Funds Tracker

FPWA’s NYC Funds Tracker monitors New York City’s revenue and the flow to budget expenditures.

Spatial Equity NYC

Spatial Equity NYC

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Spatial Equity NYC (SE), a tool developed by MIT’s Norman B. Leventhal Center for Advanced Urbanism (LCAU) in close collaboration with New York City-based nonprofit Transportation Alternatives (TA), visualizes mobility, environment, and health data.

AQI to Cigarette

AQI to Cigarette

Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province, Pakistan

This reveals the equivalent cigarette intake based on Air Quality Index (AQI) and exposure time, offering a powerful wake-up call to the health impacts of poor air quality.



Serbia (Srbija)

Research & Data Investigation Lab - Where indie data punk, meets media theory pop to investigate digital rights blues

7 Routes to Applied Behavioural Science Experimentation and Observation

A flowchart guide to help users consider which type(s) of experiments to run in policy settings

Social Explorer

Social Explorer

New York, USA

Gain deep insights into any location of interest through thousands of data variables and stunning visualizations. Reinforce your decisions with Social Explorer’s reliable data mapping capabilities. Watch Videoplay_arrow

Ruas do Género

An interactive data visualization project demonstrating the gender imbalance of street names in Porto

Digital Commons Lab

Digital Commons Lab (DCL) is a research laboratory of the Digital Society center of FBK with the goal to design, develop and analyze digital commons based on open data.

Colorado Broadband Hub

The Colorado Broadband Office (CBO) leads the statewide effort to expand broadband coverage and quality for all Coloradans and coordinates all broadband efforts for Colorado.



New York City, NY, USA

At, Conductor turns the New York subway system into an interactive string instrument.



01021 Kyiv


Um guia da dieta de mídia digital brasileira

Como os brasileiros usam a internet? Como é seu comportamento na hora de buscar informações na rede? O InternetLab manterá um guia com indicadores sobre como anda a dieta de mídia dos brasileiros e brasileiras.

Interactive Media Bias Chart

A chart of thousands of media sources based on source reliability and surveys of perceived political biases

The Demography Project TikTok

IDADI is our flagship data journalism project, in collaboration with The Infographics Studio, to disseminate, visualize and democratize official data on TikTok to allow Kenyans participate in decision making and enhance government accountability.



Johannesburg, South Africa

ImpactBoard is a data management solution (and dashboard) that provides programmes with intelligence to achieve impact.



Bangkok, Thailand

WeVis is a civic technology aiming to empower people to reclaim an active role in political life through technology and open data. We curate, analyze and visualize any relevant data to make democracy more open and more transparent, encouraging people to express their opinions and make better decisions.

NYC Open Data Project Gallery

NYC Open Data Project Gallery

New York City, NY, USA

On the Open Data Project Gallery, you can find examples of open data in action and gain inspiration for projects of your own. See how NYC Open Data is used by activists to advocate for change, by entrepreneurs to develop products, by teachers to build analytics skills in the classroom, by government agencies to make data more accessible, and much more.


PesaYetu helps journalists, researchers and activists transform their work with in-depth county-specific information.

Hamilton 2.0

The Hamilton 2.0 dashboard, a project of the Alliance for Securing Democracy at the German Marshall Fund of the United States, provides a summary analysis of the narratives and topics promoted by Russian, Chinese, and Iranian government officials and state-funded media on Twitter, YouTube, state-sponsored news websites, and via official diplomatic statements at the United Nations.

2020 Tax Clock (South Africa)

2020 Tax Clock (South Africa)

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

​How much of your work day is spent paying taxes?​

TaxClock Kenya

TaxClock shows how public budget data can be used to help citizens better understand how governments spend our taxmoney.




Hoaxy is a tool that visualizes the spread of articles online.

Amp Impact

Amp Impact is a Salesforce-based solution for organizations pursuing impact.

PubinTech Project Map

Visualize the public-interest ecosystem of the private, public, academic and independent players that are directly (or indirectly!) collaborating on key public problems.

The Data Nutrition Project

The Data Nutrition Project aims to create a standard label for interrogating datasets.


We are a digital agency focused on innovative work for social good.

CUNY Mapping Service

The CUNY Mapping Service at CUR engages with foundations, government agencies, businesses, nonprofits, and other CUNY researchers to use spatial information and analysis techniques to develop and execute applied research projects.



Madrid (Spain)

Etiqueta y visualiza el contenido de tu texto en relación con los objetivos de la Agenda 2030

2020 Political Atlas

Our goal is to provide multiple independent data sources allowing everyone to reach their own conclusions on what will happen in the 2020 elections.



Moffett Field, Clark Road, Mountain View, California, USA

Our platform provides its users with the exact geo location and date of the next dengue outbreak, 3 months in advance - quickly and intuitively.

Accela Civic Insight

See how cloud-based and on-premise civic engagement software creates a dynamic ecosystem between government agencies, citizens, developers and partners.


We help government teams gather & analyze inclusive data to achieve equitable outcomes. Get actionable insights faster with our cloud-based solution.




J++ is an international team of data journalism specialists, with offices in Stockholm and Porto. The team integrates experts in research, data analysis, data-driven storytelling, newsroom programming and full-stack design.

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