To get input on Mexico City's constitution, LabCDMX experimented with Google Docs, PubPub,, paper surveys, and kiosks
Quite simply, anyone could suggest an idea for the constitution, but a certain threshold of online supporters was required to advance the proposal into contention for the drafting committee. This method gave petitioners an incentive to promote their ideas and encourage support. Those earning at least 5,000 signatures had their ideas sent to the drafting committee's legal experts for review. Those with 10,000 or more signatures won the chance to formally present their ideas to the drafting committee. And 50,000 signatures netted an audience with Mayor Mancera.
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Status: | Active |
Last Modified: | 12/4/2024 |
Added on: | 6/22/2021 |
500,000 users viewed the proposals and 280,000 people signed on to 357 different petitions (Source, 2019-7 )