The Tech > Participatory democracy > Engagement tech > Digital participation platforms - (133)

Platforms and tools to facilitate gathering public input and support for local, place-based projects

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Showing 133 Results



Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

Let participants record conversations, we transcribe and help you analyse it in minutes..

AI tools for Decidim

AI tools for Decidim

Barcelona, Spain

Work in progress AI integration for the participation platform that allows platform admins to install and configure a spam detection service so that any suspicious content gets reported at the earliest possible step.

Polis Pilot Netherlands

Polis Pilot Netherlands

Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

Developing an API and localized version of for the Netherlands. De provincie Zuid-Holland, de provincie Brabant, de provincie Groningen en het Overlegorgaan Fysieke Leefomgeving (onderdeel van Ministerie van I&W) willen bij dragen aan de totstandkoming van een Nederlandse versie van de applicatie Polis

Active Citizen

Active Citizen

Reykjavík, Iceland

Active Citizen is an open source library, API and UI using various AI technologies aimed at empowering citizens democratically.

Consultations, informations temps réel, conseils de quartiers, boite à idée, écoute des citoyens, budget participatif …

Participa gencat

Participa gencat

Catalonia (Spain)

Portal de participació ciutadana de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Decidim instance.

Debatomap / Carticipe

Un outil basé sur le retour d’expérience de sociologues et spécialistes de la concertation publique territoriale




La plateforme de concertation conçue par Res publica pour faciliter les projets d'intelligence collective

Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

Het open source platform voor digitale participatie-projecten.


Civic tech participatory platform focusing on local level (municipalities). Kάνε ερωτήσεις και προτάσεις στο Δημοτικό Συμβούλιο, οργάνωσε εθελοντικές δράσεις , συνδιαμόρφωσε τον προϋπολογισμό του Δήμου και πάρε μέρος στις διαβουλεύσεις και στην αξιολόγησή του



South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

Citizens have a critical role to play in advancing transparency, accountability and effectiveness in the delivery of municipal services.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Creating space to build a democracy for all

Communiti Labs

Communiti Labs

Melbourne VIC, Australia

Communiti Labs’ AI-powered data analytics allow project teams to collate insights across all channels and convert them into actionable strategies.



Santiago, Chile

Our services are comprised of 5 remote electronic platforms and a complete customer support system.

Javna rasprava Lokal

Javna rasprava Lokal

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)

Javna rasprava Lokal je web platforma koja je pokrenuta kao alat za poboljšanja dvosmjerne komunikacije između građana/ki i donosioca/teljki odluka na lokalnom nivou.



Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)

E-peticija je zahtjev za određenu promjenu u tvojoj lokalnoj zajednici koji upućuješ donosiocima odluka, a koja se realizuje nakon što tvoja peticija skupi dovoljan broj potpisa.

Projekat Populus

Projekat Populus

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)

Platforma omogućava dvosmjernu komunikaciju i interaktivnu razmjenu informacija između građana i njihove lokalne zajednice.

Delib Citizen Space

Delib Citizen Space

Orchard Street Business Centre, 13-14 Orchard Street, Bristol, BS1 5EH

Next-generation engagement tools for 21st century democracy.



Santiago, Chile

El Programa Creamos de INJUV está dirigido a jóvenes entre 15 y 29 años que quieran ser líderes y generar cambios a pequeña o mediana escala, proponiendo ideas innovadoras para problemas que afecten a una comunidad.

Maino Tech

Maino Tech

Helsinki, Finland

We provide modern, effective solutions for participation and collective decision-making.

Participatory Digital Futures: How digital transformation can be made good for all

by Mark Findlay, Sharanya Shanmugam. In this article, through vignettes from the United Kingdom and Singapore’s experience, we highlight how digital transformation can be made more participatory for users affected by digital initiatives.



Hungary (Magyarország)

PARTIMAP is a free, easy to use and customizable map-based survey for those who believe that affected citizens should have a say in public development projects.

Mühlleite 13, 91465 Ergersheim, Germany

Deutschlands Nr. 1 Consul-Anbieter. Consul is the world's most successful platform for citizen participation.

Brazil (Brasil)

Faça com que os direitos sociais se tornem uma realidade.

WeChat mini app for participatory budgeting

China’s Participation Center developed a “mini app” for the popular WeChat platform, and grew the number of participatory budgeting users in Chengdu city to more than 3 million

Vote Rookie

Vote Rookie

Germany (Deutschland)

Vote Rookie ist eine überparteiliche Demokratie Plattform. Wir unterstützen junge Menschen bei der Teilhabe an Politik und bürgerschaftlichem Engagement.




A public engagement toolkit that enables a media house or civil society organisation to easily set up channels for engagement. Appears to still be under development.



Taiwan (T'ai-wan)

CiviCue is a decentralized autonomous civic media platform equipped with blockchain civic tech that aims to disrupt existing media landscape by serving as a public good collectively owned and managed by all users who contribute to the platform wellbeing and benefit from profit sharing, thus balancing commercial interests and social values.



Estonia (Eesti Vabariik)

Urbanpinion is a citizen engagement platform that lets city government, community leaders, architects and activists easily set up a landing with an interactive map to collect citizens suggestions, receive analytics based on collected data and make later on right decisions for city development.

MixOn (previously 빠띠 믹스 /

MixOn (previously 빠띠 믹스 /

Republic of South Korea (Hanguk or Namhan)

Create a digital public sphere to discuss and decide together



Switzerland (Schweiz, Suisse, Svizzera)

The Demokratiefabrik is a digital place where citizens meet to discuss various topics together and fabricate defined end products.

Digital Participation Platform Ratings

People Powered's independent expert committee scored 26 of the top digital engagement platforms



Málaga (Spain)

citizink es una plataforma de participación creada con tecnologías de código abierto



Amtsgasse 13a

Online collaboration, discussion & consensus. For institutions, organisations & groups.

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