Graphic representing Text Power

Text Power
United States of America (the)

Messaging flows for campaigns and organizations

We built HelloVote with Fight for the Future in 2016, and helped over 160,000 Americans register and get ready to vote with a 65% completion rate. We are now extending that experience to develop customized chat platforms including SMS, Facebook Messenger, Twitter, Telegram, and other conversational interfaces.

Utilizing the RapidPro framework, developed with UNICEF Innovation and currently supported by Nyaruka, we aim to show that open source collaboration can lead to better products than siloed development. We will extend the existing codebase by providing connectors to common activism CRMs, and adding common flows for new organizations to get started quickly. We are currently testing event checkin and rating interactions, and are designing viral messenger experiences for rapid campaign growth.

Tweets by OpenActivism

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Status: Inactive
Founded: 2019
Parent Organization: Open Source Activism
Open Source: Yes
Last Modified: 12/4/2024
Added on: 6/22/2021

Project Categories

Evidence of this project's impact:"

We built HelloVote with Fight for the Future in 2016, and helped over 160,000 Americans register and get ready to vote with a 65% completion rate. (Source, 2019-7 )

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