The Tech > Emerging tech > Artificial Intelligence > Bots - (76)

Autonomous or semi-autonomous chat agents that interact with people for the purpose of achieving a civic goal, like registering a vote or capturing citizen feedback.

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Showing 76 Results



Estonia (Eesti Vabariik)

Bürokratt enables citizens or users to use public and information services with virtual assistants through voice-based interaction.

Ask Sri

Ask Sri

Colombo, Sri Lanka

A chatbot that answers common questions about sexual health, contraception, relationships, human development, sexual behaviour and, society.

Chat for GenAI Accelerator '24

Helping organizations build transformative AI-enabled Chat Solutions to improve Education, Health, and Economic Mobility.

Voices of Venezuela

Voices of Venezuela fue creado para construir un puente de entendimiento entre culturas, para combatir la xenofobia y mostrarle al mundo que los venezolanos contribuyen a sus comunidades de acogida, permitiendo que todos prosperen. Website is down but social media is active.


Our SAMbot project measures abusive content that candidates and political parties receive online during Canadian elections.



Chicago, IL

A service of the Law Center for Better Housing (LCBH), here to help Illinois tenants facing housing issues




Maru is a chatbot that helps you tackle online harassment

Humanitas AI

Humanitas AI

Palo Alto

We’re reimagining the supply chain of social care for the new era.

Tangible AI

Tangible AI

San Diego, CA

We are on a mission to help the social sector organizations to scale their impact, increase their outreach and work smarter using artificial intelligence and chatbots, and smart automation.

Social Impact Chatbot Database

We have collected over 40 chatbot projects by nonprofits and social businesses around the world that help build a more just, equal and sustainable future.



Germany (Deutschland)

Your toolbox for self-hosted chat services



Mexico (Estados Unidos Mexicanos)

SocorroBot is an interactive guide designed to assist individuals in the process of reporting a missing person in Mexico.

MyCity Chatbot

MyCity Chatbot

New York City, NY, USA

NYC's Business Services Chatbot which "uses Microsoft's Azure AI services to provide information in response to questions you have about starting or operating your business" in ten+ languages



India (Bhārat)

An AI Assistant by Gooey.AI and Digital Green to make vetted farmer knowledge accessible.

Plataforma de Articulación Comunitaria

Chat de Whatsaap diseñado para generar un proceso interactivo de rendición de cuentas basado en información pública y análisis de calidad sobre las principales reformas y las posturas de los actores políticos que las votaron. is a conversational messaging platform that offers chatbot development services for businesses of all sizes.

A Voté chatbot sur WhatsApp

Il assiste les utilisateurs dans leur parcours de vote : pour vérifier leur inscription sur les listes électorales, leur rappeler les dates limites pour s’inscrire, les dates des élections 2022 et la procédure pour faire une procuration.



United States of America (the)

Mastodon bot posting US Presidential Actions and new policy updates from OMB, OSTP, OPM, EOs, etc.



United States of America (the)

An AI startup's chatbots representing each of the 17 major US presidential candidates.

USAID One Window for Citizens

USAID One Window for Citizens

Cambodia (Kampuchea)

USAID launched IVR and Facebook chatbot tools that will provide Cambodian citizens clear, transparent information on public services available to them through the Royal Cambodian Government’s One Window Service Offices (OWSO).

Chatbots in humanitarian contexts

Chatbots in humanitarian contexts

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Report by the British Red Cross on aid groups' rush to use chatbots, from a skeptical perspective

Chatbot Clara

Clara es la Asistencia Virtual del portal Decide Madrid. Utiliza tecnologías como la inteligencia artificial y el procesamiento del lenguaje natural.

Glific WhatsApp Chatbot Builder

Glific enables NGOs to easily scale to thousands of conversations a day with few staff.


WinWith.Me is the Messenger for Politicians - a Facebook Messenger bot-building platform integrated with NationBuilder for campaigns, NGOs and advocacy.

UnmappedSmallTownUSA Mapstodon bot

Posting towns in the USA with a population less than 1000 that are undermapped on

Data of New York

Data of New York

New York City

@nycdatabot is a Twitter bot that lets you explore the city of New York through data.

Last 100 Bills

Last 100 Bills

New York City

@last100bills is a Twitter bot that posts daily breakdowns of the 100 most recent bills introduced in the US government using data from

Cívica Digital

Technology to strengthen citizens - Transforma a tu organización en aliada de la ciudadanía.

Areto Analyzer (formerly ParityBOT)

ParityBOT is a Twitter bot that spins the abuse and toxicity directed at women in politics into positive, uplifting and encouraging messages. The artificial intelligence technology that powers ParityBOT detects and classifies hateful, harmful and toxic tweets directed at women in leadership or public office

Logic Dialog (formerly We Build Bots)

Our chat bots, voice bots and process automation tools are used by millions of people, and businesses in every sector.

Chequeado's WhatsApp bot

Latin American fact-checking organization's Whatsapp bot to make it easier for people to ask for fact-checks



ITS Rio - Rua da Assembléia - Centro, Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

a tool that brings more transparency to the use of bots in Brazil.


BotSlayer is an application that helps track and detect potential manipulation of information spreading on Twitter.


Botometer (formerly BotOrNot) checks the activity of a Twitter account and gives it a score based on how likely the account is to be a bot.



Capitol Hill

Twitter bot that tweets US Capitol Hill jobs from nearly 20 sources. By Demand Progress.

Polly Bots

Our research suggests that stepping outside your echo chamber can make you more polarized not less



Washington, DC

Twitter bot making US Congressional Research Service reports publicly available to all. By Demand Progress.

CivicPlus government Chatbot

CivicPlus government Chatbot

302 South 4th Street, Suite 500 Manhattan, Kansas 66502

With less staff and fewer resources than ever before and building pressure to enable contactless government, how can you continue to delight your citizens? With smart customer service automation.



Washington, DC

This bot is a project of @DemandProgress that tweets a round up of House and Senate leadership press releases.


#SelfCare is a free, simple, and beautiful AI companion for joy, self-connection, and hope.

LegBranchProcurementBot Twitter bot

A Twitter bot to tweet out procurements on occurring for the legislative branch

Johannesburg, South Africa

WhatsApp, chatbots, and other chat-based development and social good products


Platform to help local government interact with residents, including social-media-based consultation processes

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