Graphic representing ZenCity

Tel Aviv, Israel

Hear from all of your residents and better connect to your community's heartbeat with Zencity, a cross-channel platform that takes civic engagement to the next level

01 Collect
We automatically collect millions of resident and city- generated data points from across a variety of sources like social media and 311

02 Analyze
With the use of advanced AI, the data is classified and sorted to identify topics, trends, anomalies, and sentiment

03 Understand
Stakeholders receive detailed, actionable insights about their citizens, accessible through an easy-to-use online platform and mobile app

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Organization Type: For-profit business, social enterprise, or B Corp
Status: Active
Founded: 2015
Project(s): Zencity Press Release Generator Zencity Engage (formerly Civil Space)
Last Modified: 5/8/2024
Added on: 6/22/2021

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