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Overture Maps Foundation

Powering current and next-generation map products by creating reliable, easy-to-use, and interoperable open map data


Govbase is the most comprehensive database of projects and organizations in online governance.

Business Model Sustainability Toolkit

Business Model Sustainability Toolkit

United Nations Foundation

Guidance, tools, and case studies to help digital product/service owners and advisors in the aid sector design sustainable business models.



United States of America (the)

a Discord bot for ethical, responsive digital ethnography




emqnet delivers data-driven software built and supported by a team of resilience experts.


Security, Safety & Critical Event Management Software. Acquired by IBM.



Germany (Deutschland)

The messenger for emergency services

Microsoft Teams Emergency Operations Center

Facilitate accelerated deployment of collaboration, communication, and task management capabilities for emergency response operations through our open-source app template in Microsoft Teams. Get solution


Juvare’s cloud solution for unified emergency response and automated task workflows


Uncomplicated software for ‍emergency management


Govtech vendor offering emergency services and elections management tech among other solutions

Crisis Track

Damage assessment software designed to rapidly and accurately collect damage assessments for FEMA’s disaster declaration process

Privacidad es seguridad

En los últimos quince años, los peruanos hemos renunciado a muchos aspectos de nuestra privacidad en nombre de la seguridad. ¿Ha valido la pena?


Un espacio para mujeres, disidencias, diversidades, y activistas que resisten ante la violencia de género en internet.

Elecciones, datos personales y tecnologías

Tanto los organismos del sistema electoral como las organizaciones políticas utilizan nuestros datos al momento de realizar un proceso electoral.

Asegura tu Derecho

Asegura tu Derecho es una herramienta web que permite revisar información en un lenguaje accesible y elaborar el documento que se necesita presentar ante la Superintendencia Nacional de Salud (SuSalud) para la formulación de un reclamo.

Knight Election Hub

Knight Election Hub

United States of America (the)

The Knight Election Hub is a collection of curated products and services that will help you cover the election better than you thought possible.



Berkeley, California, USA

Free images that visualize our most pressing cybersecurity challenges and how we can solve them together.

¿Quién vigila a los vigilantes?

Este proyecto nace con la intención de ser una campaña de sensibilización para proteger el derecho a la protesta y denunciar la persecución policial en espacios digitales.

ACR Editor

ACR Editor

United States of America (the)

This web editor helps evaluators build Accessibility Conformance Reports in the US OpenACR format

Después de la Ley

Una respuesta a las necesidades de mujeres y personas LGBTQ+ que han atravesado situaciones de acoso, acoso sexual, chantaje sexual y difusión de imágenes íntimas sin consentimiento (DIISC) mientras navegaban en internet y que buscan denunciar estos delitos ante el sistema de justicia peruano.

Disability Data Standard

We want to develop a standard approach to collecting data about disability from constituents and City employees to improve accessibility and inclusion in Boston.

¿Quién Defiende Tus Datos?

¿Cómo protegen las empresas de telecomunicaciones nuestra información cuando el Estado toca la puerta?

Proyectos de Ley

Herramienta de transparencia que permite visualizar todos los proyectos de ley presentados en el Congreso peruano y buscar en ellos con actualización diaria respecto de la página del Congreso.



Lima, Peru

Somos una asociación civil peruana sin fines de lucro dedicada a investigar, facilitar el entendimiento público y promover el respeto de los derechos y libertades en entornos digitales.


In this monthly newsletter, this media nerd explores the opportunities that emerge in this disruptive moment for new models of civic media ventures.

Hack Club

Hack Club gives teens time, space and engineering mentorship to code projects they care about and learn technical skills that build and protect democracy



Kosovo (Kosova)

Bëj dhe shfleto kërkesa për te Drejten e Informimit (DI)

iLab Liberia

iLab Liberia is a non-profit local tech hub that provides access to information, open and geospatial data, research, web technologies and expert ICT assistance through a community of volunteers leveraging technology for the good of Liberia.

Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK)

Free Libre Open Source Software Kosova (FLOSSK) is a non-governmental organization based in Prishtina established in 2009 in order to support, promote and develop free and open source software.

Платформа прав людини

ППЛ – зареєстрована у 2016 році неприбуткова організація, яка об’єднала експертів з великим досвідом роботи та високим рівнем експертиз у неурядовому секторі.

Justice Practical Guide

The Practical Guide to Access Justice is a tool available to all citizens, which aims to streamline their interaction with Justice, in the search for the information they need at every moment.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

The findings of our first generative AI experiment



Estonia (Eesti Vabariik)

Bürokratt enables citizens or users to use public and information services with virtual assistants through voice-based interaction.

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