The People > Evaluate impact > Report cards and audits - (41)

This section provides systematic analyses to evaluate promises made by governments and other institutions, track the performance of programs, initiatives, or projects. Are they working? How well?

See also our AI Auditing category.

Showing 41 Results

Generative AI Accountability Indicators (GAIA)

Generative AI Accountability Indicators (GAIA)

740 15th Street, N.W., Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005

Soon Ranking Digital Rights will release the Generative AI Accountability Scorecard, evaluating major consumer-facing generative AI services’ respect for the human rights to privacy, non-discrimination, freedom of expression, and freedom of information.

The 2022 Ranking Digital Rights Telco Giants Scorecard

The 2022 Ranking Digital Rights Telco Giants Scorecard

740 15th Street, N.W., Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005

Ranking Digital Rights's inaugural Telco Giants Scorecard reveals that telecom companies, despite being gatekeepers of the internet for most of the world, are less transparent overall and more susceptible to government demands than their Big Tech peers.

E-Participation Index

A country’s EPI reflects the e-participation mechanisms that are deployed by the government as compared to all other countries.

More and Better! Diversifying electronic participation mechanisms and improving the online services offered by Portuguese municipalities

The 2023 edition of the “IPIC – Portuguese Municipal Councils’ Online Presence Index” series of studies presents the results of the evaluation of Portuguese municipal councils’ websites.

Africa Open Parliament Index (OPI)

Africa Open Parliament Index (OPI)


The Index will enable civil society to work together with national and regional parliaments to identify systemic challenges to achieving parliamentary openness and to co-create reforms that will strengthen the capacity of parliaments to enhance their openness.

Public Data Access Programs - A First Look

The EU’s Digital Services Act mandates greater researcher data access from platforms; Mozilla and the National Conference on Citizenship investigated 19 platforms’ responses


The Open Energy Badge displays energy/CO2 costs for GitHub projects, covering test runs, API calls, and more, created by Green Metrics Tool.

Power Hog

Power Hog offers tools for monitoring computer energy consumption, focusing on process analysis, central data collection for optimization, and CO2 data submission.

Energy ID

Energy ID benchmarks open source software for energy, CO2, and Green Software Foundation's SCI metrics using the Green Metrics Tool.

Cloud Energy

Our Machine Learning model for energy measurement in the cloud, for both virtualized and bare metal environments.

Planning for Informality

Planning for Informality

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

What is your city doing to upgrade informal settlements?

Government AI Readiness Index

This year we assess the AI readiness of 193 governments across the world. We are also introducing an interactive map to make our data more accessible!

Lokalni Index Otvorenosti

Lokalni Index Otvorenosti

Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosna i Hercegovina / Босна и Херцеговина)

“Lokalni Index Otvorenosti” je kompozitni indikator koji mjeri stepen otvorenosti lokalnih samouprava prema građanima u Bosni i Hercegovini.

Citizen Congress Watch (CCW)

Citizen Congress Watch (CCW)

Taipei City, Taiwan

The goals are to oversee the congress, eliminate inadequate legislators and improve congress culture.

Cultural Safety Audit Tools

The Cultural Safety Audit Tool for Individuals is designed to assess an individual’s level of development in understanding critical elements of cultural safety and working to create culturally safe experiences with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals

전국 공보 지도 (National Public Information Map)

전국 공보 지도 (National Public Information Map)

Republic of South Korea (Hanguk or Namhan)

Code for Korea's project digitizing government gazettes '공보’란 국가기관과 지방자치단체가 대국민에 정부의 소식을 알려주는 소식지를 말합니다.


We now bring this decade’s worth of insights and our intellectual capital to scale with our automated audits, and proprietary demographic and geographic database used to ensure the validity (and compliance) of the outputs.

Black Tech Agenda and Scorecard

Black communities need an affirmative vision of technology that protects our civil rights and advances our needs. A campaign nominated for a 2023 Webby Award.

The Benefits Enrollment Field Guide

The Benefits Enrollment Field Guide looks at the landscape of America’s safety net benefits experience in 2023 and tracks the differences from our 2019 assessment based on expanded evaluation criteria.

Institute for Government UIK Performance Tracker 2022

Institute for Government UIK Performance Tracker 2022

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Performance Tracker reviews the state of nine public services – general practice, hospitals, adult social care, children’s social care, neighbourhood services, schools, police, criminal courts and prisons – and their comparative and inter-connected problems.

The index compiles news sites with low factual-reporting levels, as determined and documented by Media Bias/Fact Check.

Economist Intelligence Unit Democracy Index

The EIU Democracy Index provides a snapshot of the state of world democracy for 165 independent states and two territories

EU Whistleblowing Monitor

The EU Whistleblowing Monitor was created by the Whistleblowing International Network to track the progress of transposition of the EU Directive on Whistleblowing across all 27 Member States over the next 18 months.

Digital Participation Platform Ratings

People Powered's independent expert committee scored 26 of the top digital engagement platforms

Council Climate Plan Scorecards

Council Climate Plan Scorecards

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Climate Emergency UK assessed plans according to 28 questions across nine sections, based on the expert-approved checklist for Council Action Plans.

Audit of the Administration of the Internet of Things

In this audit, we obtained an understanding of the Commonwealth’s current IoT environment in terms of device use and planned use by surveying a sample of Commonwealth agencies (see Appendix) where we believed IoT devices were used for significant purposes.

Project Drawdown

Project Drawdown

San Francisco

Each solution reduces greenhouse gases by avoiding emissions and/or by sequestering carbon dioxide already in the atmosphere.

Ranking Digital Rights

Ranking Digital Rights

740 15th Street, N.W., Suite 900 Washington, DC 20005

Ranking ICT sector companies on respect for free expression and privacy

Transit Center Bus report cards

The Bus Turnaround Coalition is a diverse group of New Yorkers determined to turn around the poor service that plagues the city’s bus system and the more than 2 million rides taken on it every weekday.

Climate Primaries

Greenpeace's climate report card that encourages users to thank or shame candidates based on their position

Open Data Barometer Latin America and Caribbean

The Open Data Barometer for Latin America and the Caribbean covers 24 countries and classifies governments according to readiness for open data initiatives, implementation of open data programs, and impact that open data is having on companies, politics and civil society.

Open Gov Report Card

Open Gov Report Card

6100 S Blackstone Ave, Chicago, IL 60637, USA

Grades how Chicago and Cook County government agencies share important meeting information like agendas, minutes and schedules with the public

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