The Tech > Advocacy tech - (343)

Tech used to campaign, argue for change, and advocate on behalf of something or someone.

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Showing 343 Results



Kosovo (Kosova)

Bëj dhe shfleto kërkesa për te Drejten e Informimit (DI)

Relationality Lab

Relationality Lab

St Louis, MO

We help people who nurture relationships that drive change prove that their work has impact.

Jasy Renyhê Ecofeministas

Jasy Renyhê Ecofeministas

Bolivia (Buliwya / Wuliwya / Volívia)

Somos una organización de mujeres que tiene como principal objetivo acompañar los procesos de mujeres indígenas y campesinas para constituir un espacio donde las experiencias femeninas confluyan en actos, espacios, instrumentos de visibilización, y nuevos aprendizajes para enfrentar las estructuras y prácticas patriarcales que nos someten.

Tech for Forests

In the period between the beginning of 2021 and the middle of 2022, we investigated open-source digital infrastructures used by communities that are under the constant threat of violation of civil and environmental rights.

Fairness Without Categories: Enabling Collective Action for Algorithmic Accountability

This project [by Jessica Dai], in collaboration with Deb Raji, explores designing a framework for the general public to report and contest large-scale harms from algorithmic decision making systems (ADS).

Global ISDS Tracker (Investor-State Dispute Settlement)

This website tells a story of how a little known legal [corporate tribunal] mechanism is enriching fossil fuel corporations with public money, delaying climate action and threatening our future.

Estimativa de Público – Manifestação de 25 de fevereiro de 2024 em São Paulo

Former president Bolsonaro claimed 600,000 attended a rally for him, but researchers used the tool to prove it was less than a third of that.

Social Change Lab

Social Change Lab

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Using social movement research to tackle the world's most pressing problems

Media Impact Monitor

Media Impact Monitor

Germany (Deutschland)

a collaborative project aimed at enabling protest groups and NGOs to evaluate their impact on public discourse.

Online to Offline Strategy Group

Online to Offline Strategy Group

United States of America (the)

The Online to Offline Strategy Group (O2O) is a worker-self-directed nonprofit dedicated to winning structural change by building people-centered, digitally-empowered movements.

Rally (Relentless)

Rally was built by organizers, for organizers, specifically to measure and scale relational programs.



United States of America (the)

Relentless builds relational mobilization programs and tech to unlock the political power of the relationships we already have.


An affordable voter file perfect for civic engagement and grassroots organizing

Turbo Phonebank

Turbo Phonebank turns any Google Sheet into a phonebank or textbank with 2-tap calling, follow-up texts to increase your contact rate, and a caller-friendly interface.

Najemniški SOS

Najemniški SOS

Slovenia (Slovenija)

Resources and story-based campaign for tenants' rights in Slovenia

Parliament Watch (Thailand)

An open-source comprehensive platform that serves as a one-stop solution for monitoring Thailand's parliament.

The School for Everyday Democracy

This programme will support 100 people to become Everyday Democracy Champions, in turn catalysing the action of others in communities furthest from power, and creating tangible change across all four UK nations.




Platform brings workers and communities together to create new, liberatory systems that tackle injustice and climate breakdown.

The Social Practice

The Social Practice is an ideologically-driven consultancy based in the US and Europe. We help those working for big change to strategize, communicate, and organize at scale.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Mapped integrates with common organising platforms like Airtable, Mailchimp and Action Network to augment membership lists with other useful data sources.

Project Liberty

Project Liberty

New York City

Project Liberty is advancing responsible development of the internet, designed and governed for the common good.

Liberal Democrat Software Group

Liberal Democrat Software Group

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Over 860 "Coders, product managers and anyone who wants to help the party win with better technology."



Latin America

El objetivo es realizar un archivo fotográfico que muestre la realidad de la extensión del movimiento feminista, incluyendo la variedad de experiencias, testimonios y emociones que plasma el 8M en nosotras.

Digital Action

Digital Action

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

We exist to protect democracy and human rights from digital threats.

Local Intelligence Hub

Local Intelligence Hub

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Your starting point for data about local MPs, constituencies, public opinion and the climate and nature movement.


Rootcause is a not-for-profit consultancy helping forward thinking organisations win in modern digital information ecosystems.

Forward Action

We are an employee-owned digital mobilisation agency. We create campaigns online that get people to take action.

Commons Library

The Commons Library includes 1000+ educational resources in a range of formats. Topics include campaign strategy, community organising, working effectively in groups, justice and diversity, creative activism, and much more.

Citizen Intelligence Agency (CIA)

Citizen Intelligence Agency (OSINT) , monitoring key political figures and institutions, provides insights into financial performance, risk metrics, and political trends


A sophisticated website builder for political campaigns

Civox Ashley

Transform your political campaign or movement with AI-powered two-way voice calls that transform your voter contact.



Germany (Deutschland)

Durch Protest verschaffen sich junge Menschen Gehör, üben politischen Einfluss aus und gestalten kreativ die demokratische Gesellschaft

Obstáculos del acceso a la justicia en México

Obstáculos del acceso a la justicia en México

Mexico (Estados Unidos Mexicanos)

A campaign site drawing attention to obstacles to justice in Mexico

Dostup do Pravdy (Доступ до правди)

Сайт «Доступ до Правди» працює як уніфікована платформа для надсилання електронних запитів розпорядникам інформації відповідно до Закону “Про доступ до публічної інформації”.



Greece (Ellas, Ellada)

Κάθε πολίτης έχει το δικαίωμα να αποκτήσει πληροφορίες από δημόσιους οργανισμούς. Σύμφωνα με τον νόμο, οφείλουν να απαντήσουν.

CiviClick (USA)

CiviClick (USA)

Washington, DC

CiviClick is changing the way people interact with lawmakers through AI.



Latin America

Revisa aquí cómo impacta la evasión de impuestos en las vidas de los habitantes de América Latina



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Technology Consultancy and Meetups for Right-Leaning Organisations and Politicians

Campaign Lab (Organization)

Building the case for an evidence-based approach to campaigning (for the Labour Party)

Center for Applied NonViolent Actions and Strategies (CANVAS)

CANVAS was founded in 2005 by Slobodan Djinovic and Srdja Popovic to advocate for the use of nonviolent resistance in the promotion of human rights and democracy. Since then, we have worked with pro-democracy activists from more than 50 countries.

Good Party

Good Party

United States of America (the)

We're not a political party – we're building a movement and free tech to end America's two-party political dysfunction Learn how you can plug in to inspiring independent campaigns or get access to our free tools for people-powered candidates

Climate Advocacy Lab

Climate Advocacy Lab

United States of America (the)

The Lab equips the US climate movement with the evidence-based insights, skills, and connections needed to build durable power and win equitable solutions.

Escola de Ativismo

Escola de Ativismo

Brazil (Brasil)

A Escola de Ativismo é um coletivo independente constituído em 2011 com a missão de fortalecer grupos ativistas por meio de processos de aprendizagem em estratégias e técnicas de ações não-violentas e criativas, campanhas, comunicação, mobilização e segurança e proteção integral, voltadas para a defesa da democracia e dos direitos humanos.

CampaignTech Awards

CampaignTech Awards

United States of America (the)

The CampaignTech Awards by Campaigns & Elections recognize the truly exceptional in the field of political campaign technology, digital strategy, tactics, and techniques.

Democratic Data Exchange

Expanding the Democratic and progressive data ecosystem by facilitating a real time, blind exchange of voter contact data across the Left.

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