The People > Build something > Innovation teams and labs - (56)

While there are many organizations with "Labs" in their name, this category refers explicitly to innovation units inside of larger organizations and institutions.

Suggested reading: The Rise and Fall of Innovation Labs in International Development on ICTWorks

Showing 56 Results

Justicia Lab AI

Justicia Lab AI

New York, NY

The World's First Non-Profit AI Lab for Immigrant Justice



Rua de Santa Marta no. 55

Centro para a Inovação no Setor Público

UNDP Panama Accelerator Lab

UNDP Panama Accelerator Lab

Panama City, Panama

Panama’s Accelerator Lab is working to understand how strengthening solid waste management practices in rural municipalities can help create pathways to optimize national recycling strategies and work towards a circular economy.



GSA (General Services Administration), F Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

10x is the federal government’s very own venture studio

Dreamspace Academy

Dreamspace Academy

Batticaloa, Sri Lanka

DreamSpace Academy is a social enterprise tackling local socio-economic and environmental challenges through challenge-based learning, grassroots innovation and impact venture building.

Brooklyn Navy Yard

Brooklyn Navy Yard

Brooklyn Navy Yard, Flushing Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, USA

The Brooklyn Navy Yard is the center of urban manufacturing and innovation.

Center for Labor and a Just Economy (CLJE:Lab)

Center for Labor and a Just Economy (CLJE:Lab)

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

CLJE:Lab is the policy and legal innovation lab at Harvard Law School’s Center for Labor and a Just Economy – where our ideas for building worker power and strengthening democracy hit the ground.

World Health Organization Innovation hub

We use sustainable innovation to solve bottlenecks, accelerate impact, and improve health, focusing on the most neglected problems and people.

IDB Lab (BID Lab)

IDB Lab (BID Lab)

Washington, DC

IDB Lab is the innovation and venture capital arm of the Inter-American Development Bank Group.

Smart Districts

Smart Districts

Dublin, Ireland

Smart Districts (Dublin) are strategically selected locations where innovation projects are fast-tracked.

Copenhagen Solutions Lab

At Copenhagen Solutions Lab, we support the development of the city through testing and implementation of intelligent and data-driven solutions, that support the needs of the city and its citizens.

DOLL Living Lab

Our expansive 1.5 km2 industrial area, frequented by over 10,000 daily users, functions as a vibrant physical testing space of smart city environments – now also offering a real-world platform with a digital twin for urban innovation at a 1:1 scale.

Evidence House

Evidence House

10 Downing Street

Evidence House is a Downing Street-led initiative, working with collaborators including ONS Data Science Campus, Evaluation Task Force, Modernisation and Reform Unit, Go Science and National Situation Centre.

Direction interministérielle de la transformation publique

La direction interministérielle de la transformation publique (DITP) pilote le programme de transformation publique défini par le Gouvernement pour une action publique plus proche, plus simple et plus efficace. L’objectif : améliorer concrètement la vie des Français et des agents publics.

Policy Lab UK

Policy Lab UK

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Our mission is to radically improve policy making through design, innovation and people-centred approaches.

Response Innovation Lab Iraq

The Iraq Response Innovation Lab (IRIL) convenes actors around humanitarian problems faced locally through analysis and promotion of innovations and innovators.

YAI Center for Innovation and Engagement

YAI’s Center for Innovation and Engagement understands how technology can help people with intellectual and developmental disabilities better participate in their community.

Pulse Lab Jakarta

Pulse Lab Jakarta is a joint data innovation facility of the United Nations (Global Pulse) and the Government of Indonesia (via the Ministry of National Development Planning, Bappenas).

The Reporters’ Lab

The Reporters’ Lab

Duke University, Durham, NC, USA

The Reporters’ Lab is a center for journalism research in the Sanford School of Public Policy at Duke University. Our core projects focus on fact-checking, but we also do occasional research about trust in the news media and other topics.

Journalism and Media Lab (jamlab) at Tshimologong Digital Innovation Precinct

Jamlab aims to support more and better innovation in journalism and media in Africa.

US GSA Emergizing Citizen Technology Office

US GSA Emergizing Citizen Technology Office

GSA (General Services Administration), F Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

GSA’s Emerging Citizen Technology program collaborates with U.S. businesses, civic organizations and inter-agency communities.

Transformative Cyber Innovation Lab

The Transformative Cyber Innovation Lab (TCIL or Lab) will find and nurture technologically feasible, testable pilot projects which begin to solve some of the hardest cyber problems afflicting the national security industrial base and our country.

Technologiestiftung Berlin

Technologiestiftung Berlin

Technologiestiftung Berlin, Grunewaldstraße, Berlin, Germany

Wir erforschen und erproben digitale Werkzeuge um gemeinsam mit Bürger*innen, Verwaltung und Unternehmen die Zukunft Berlins zu gestalten.




Etalab is the Prime minister’s digital taskforce and innovation lab of the French government

NYC Planning Labs

NYC Planning Labs

120 Broadway, New York, NY, USA

NYC Planning Labs builds open, impactful, modern technology tools for urban planners

Boston Mayor’s Office of New Urban Mechanics (MONUM)

The Mayor's Office of New Urban Mechanics was formed in 2010 as one of the first municipal innovation offices in the world

Jabar Digital Service

Jabar Digital Service

Jl. Diponegoro No.22, Citarum, Kec. Bandung Wetan, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40115

Jabar Digital Service (JDS) atau Unit Pelaksana Teknis Pengelola Layanan Digital, Data, dan Informasi Geospasial adalah sebuah unit di bawah Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Provinsi Jawa Barat yang dicita-citakan dapat mempersempit kesenjangan digital, membantu efisiensi dan akurasi pengambilan kebijakan berbasis data dan teknologi, serta merevolusi pemakaian teknologi dalam kehidupan masyarakat serta pemerintahan di Jawa Barat.

CityLab Berlin

CityLab Berlin

Platz der Luftbrücke 4-6, 12101, Berlin, Germany

The CityLAB is an experimental laboratory for the city of the future.



R. da Assembléia, 10 - Centro, Rio de Janeiro - State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

O Instituto de Tecnologia e Sociedade do Rio estuda o impacto e o futuro da tecnologia no Brasil e no mundo.

Census Open Innovation Labs

Census Open Innovation Labs

United States of America (the)

We bring together government, industry, and communities to unleash creativity and solve national challenges.

NYC Office of Technology and Innovation (previously Mayor's Office of the Chief Technology Officer)

Our mission is to deliver user-centered technology solutions that simplify access to City services and drive innovation.

Gabinete de Inovação

Gabinete de Inovação

Asa Sul, Brasilia - Federal District, Brazil

um laboratório que reunirá mandatos das casas legislativas de todo o país para que compartilhem e construam caminhos para a inovação nos parlamentos brasileiros

GovLab Arnsberg

GovLab Arnsberg

Seibertzstraße 1, 59821, Arnsberg, Germany

helps government employees in Arnsberg develop both the skills and understanding necessary for a modern, innovative government that focuses on meeting the needs of citizens

The Lab @ DC

The Lab @ DC

John A. Wilson Building 1350 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Suite 533 Washington, DC 20004

The Lab uses scientific insights and methods to test and improve policies and provide timely, relevant, and high-quality analysis to inform the District's most important decisions.

Design for America

Design for America

Ford Motor Company Engineering Design Center 2133 Sheridan Rd. G.302 Evanston, IL 60208

Design for America is an idea incubator, a motivated community, and a way of approaching complicated challenges. DFA shapes the next generation of social innovators.

Tanzania Data Lab dlab

Tanzania Data Lab dlab

University Of Dar es Salaam Computing Centre - SED, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Promoting innovation and data literacy through a premier center of excellence

United States DOGE Service (USDS)

The United States Digital Service is transforming how the federal government works for the American people. And we need you.

UI Labs

UI LABS is an innovation accelerator that brings Universities, Industry, and Government together to deliver solutions to tomorrow’s challenges.

Public Digital Innovation Space (PDIS)

To connect Taiwan and the world, PDIS incubates and facilitates public digital innovation and service, optimises the processes and tools of the public service with design thinking, guides the public sector to adopt social innovations and collaborate with communities of practice.

Poverty Action Lab

Poverty Action Lab

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

Our mission is to reduce poverty by ensuring that policy is informed by scientific evidence. We do this through research, policy outreach, and training.



Gasthuisstraat 34, 4161 CC Heukelum, Netherlands

TAFTIE is the European Association of leading national innovation agencies



Bologna, Italy

LABoratorio per la GOVernance dei beni comuni di Bologna

Civic Design Lab

Civic Design Lab

Oakland, California

Civic Design Lab (CDL) is a civic service design and innovation team within Oakland City Hall that grew out of the Resilient Oakland initiative.

Open Data Lab Jakarta

We’re the Web Foundation’s Open Data Labs. We empower people through data.

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