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In 2020, we curated this collection of civic tech responses to the global COVID-19 pandemic. We connected our community to virtual events, funding opportunities, and collaborative civic tech projects that tried to help the world respond and recover.

Showing 45 Results

Do Open Data Impact on Citizens’ Behaviours?

This study by Yuya Shibuya empirically analyzes the impacts of open data on behavioral change by investigating the case of Taiwan.

Let's Talk Vaccines

Let's Talk Vaccines

Internews Network, 15th Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

A free course to help journalists translate the language of vaccine science and the promise of vaccine access into compelling human stories.

Local Needs Databank

Local Needs Databank

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

The Local Needs Databank (UK) is an open set of needs and Covid-19 data, specifically about those in financial hardship in the UK.

Poland (Polska)

Inspired by the help that people give each other during hard times, we created an application that will allow anyone in need to find help in their daily duties.

First Draft News Coronavirus Resources for reporters

We have created and collected guidance to support accurate and responsible reporting on coronavirus, which will be regularly updated with new information.

Coronavirus Reponse: Ways to Help, Volunteer, and What to Do

Here's a list of actions, ideas, ways to help, volunteer and donation opportunities to help those impacted by the coronavirus (COVID-19).

Berliner Gehwegbreiten

A map showing the width of sidewalks across Berlin using #OpenData

Coronavirus: Responsible reporting and ethics

a selection of guidelines and discussions produced by First Draft on reporting disinformation around coronavirus and other topics ethically and responsibly, as well as a curated list of other resources to help you navigate potential issues covering what the WHO has called an ‘infodemic’.

Invisible Hands

Invisible Hands

New York City

Safe, free deliveries for NYC’s most at-risk community members facing COVID-19.

Covid-19 Ministerio de Salud Argentina

Coronavirus Covid-19 es la app oficial del Ministerio de Salud de la Nación y tiene como objetivo que los argentinos y las argentinas puedan realizarse una rápida autoevaluación para saber si sus síntomas son compatibles con el COVID-19.

Self-fabricated Face Shields

People with access to lasercutters and 3D printers are designing and fabricating face masks for front-line healthcare workers – Data proti Covid

COVID19CZ je společná aktivita několika českých technologických firem a IT nadšenců zaměřená na pomoc v boji s nákazou COVID-19.

Facebook ads for World Health Organization Coronavirus Information

Facebook giving the WHO as many free ads as they need for their coronavirus response along with other in-kind support.

The Coronavirus Hackathon (April 18-19)

We will use the hackathon concept to come up with new products, business models, policy and campaigns by encouraging cross-pollination of ideas.

A crowdsourcing platform, run by volunteers, to share useful and verified information on the Coronavirus pandemic in Italy

Tech Kontra Wirus

Tech Kontra Wirus

Poland (Polska)

Code for Poland's platform for prioritizing amongst many Coronavirus response ideas

Coronavirus Tech Handbook

Coronavirus Tech Handbook

133 Bethnal Green Road London

a crowdsourced resource for technologists building things related to the coronavirus outbreak

Health Sites

Health Sites

Netherlands (Nederland, Holland)

Building an open data commons of health facility data with OpenStreetMap


A knowledge base website that collects public health information on the novel coronavirus from WHO, CDC, NYS, and NYC.

The OpenCovid19 Initiative

Developing and sharing open source methodologies to safely test for the presence of SARS-CoV-2 using multiple approaches.

Apple Maps COVID-19 Testing Locations

As a healthcare provider, lab, or other business, follow these steps to submit information on COVID-19 testing locations that Apple may display to its users.

COVID-19 self-assessment tool

Another open source self-assessment tool, by the Ontario government

Open Source Ventilators Subreddit

A community dedicated to researching locally-sourced, easy-to-manufacture designs for PEEP valves, BVMs, automated BVM pumps, and full ventilators.

Digital Health Lab

Digital Health Lab

San Francisco

At Meedan’s Digital Health Lab we are researching, designing and testing a digital response framework for addressing health misinformation online, centered around accessibility and equity.

An online open content tool designed to help workers share information with each other about health and safety issues in their workplace

Open Source COVID19 Medical Supplies

This group is being formed to evaluate, design, validate, and source the fabrication of open source emergency medical supplies around the world, given a variety of local supply conditions.

Apple bans coronavirus apps from the App Store

The App Store should always be a safe and trusted place for users to download apps. Now more than ever that commitment takes on special significance as the world fights the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 map

COVID-19 map

Taiwan (T'ai-wan)

Members of built a page that matches government information on the recent movements of confirmed coronavirus patients with users' location history based on Google Maps Timeline to check whether or not they may have had contact with the patients, and if so — where and when.

Coronavirus: Information sources

First Draft is maintaining a database of expert sources on coronavirus for journalists to contact for up-to-date information on the outbreak.

Brightest COVID-19 Relief

Brightest COVID-19 Relief

Brightest, Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Connecting coronavirus relief and aid orgs with support

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