Tag:   Issue > taxes - (6)

Showing 6 Results


Algorithmic tool by the Italian government to fight tax evasion by cross-checking self-reported income with assets and other databases in a privacy-protecting approach

Be šešėlio

Be šešėlio

Lithuania (Lietuva)

An opportunity for every conscious member of society to contribute to the elimination of the shadow economy.



Latin America

Revisa aquí cómo impacta la evasión de impuestos en las vidas de los habitantes de América Latina

TaxClock Kenya

TaxClock shows how public budget data can be used to help citizens better understand how governments spend our taxmoney.

2020 Tax Clock (South Africa)

2020 Tax Clock (South Africa)

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

​How much of your work day is spent paying taxes?​

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