Platforms that coordinate volunteer effort, including responses to natural disasters and pandemics as well as contributions to civic tech projects confronting systemic societal issues. Check out the opportunities on these platforms to get engaged.
Our Cybersecurity Clinic offers a range of pro bono services to non-profit and under-resourced organizations, while preparing both undergraduate and graduate students to become industry leaders.
Cada pessoa embaixadora de inovação cívica atua na organização de eventos locais, bate-papos, documentação de processos e, claro, na integração com os demais participantes da rede.
Our committed staff of lawyers, community organizers, policy experts, and other advocates combine forces with 80 member firms, 900 pro bono attorneys, and thousands of community members.
The Cyberharassment Clinic is a program at a law school that allows students to represent victims of online harassment, cyberbullying, and revenge porn.
Though Black women are at the forefront of some of the most important social justice movements of our time, leading extraordinary initiatives with commitment and creativity, most of the time they are doing so with limited funding. Recognizing this, we are extending a targeted offer of free tech and data support to Black feminist organizers.
UN Mappers is a community of mapping enthusiasts collaborating to collect, validate and disseminate geospatial open data in areas where the United Nations carries out field operations with the goal of supporting the decision-making process with more accurate location-based data.
The CLC is a volunteer network of individuals trained to monitor for, critically evaluate, and report misinformation on diverse topics central to our civic life: voting, elections, public health, civil rights, and other important issues.
Millions of refugees & people in need of humanitarian assistance struggle with language barriers. Help give them on-demand language access. Volunteer with Us
Solve for Good is the Data Science for Social Good Foundation's platform for social good organizations to post data projects they need help with, for volunteers to help scope those projects into well-defined problems, and to help solve those problems.
Volunteer lawyers and legal aid advocates increasing access to justice
From connecting attorneys to those most in need, to creating legal tools to help individuals advocate for themselves, we make the law work for the many and not the few.
Census Accelerate, an initiative within the innovation arm of the U.S. Census Bureau, has launched its first-ever video prize competition to reward the most engaging, impactful and informative videos about the 2020 Census - with a total of $50,000 in cash prizes.
Tech for Campaigns (TFC) is a community where world class tech talent meets progressive and centrist political campaigns in need of skilled volunteer talent. The promise is not only different political outcomes but the sustained engagement of people concerned with the direction America is going.
Amnesty Decoders is an innovative platform for volunteers around the world to use their computers or phones to help our researchers sift through pictures, information and documents.
Contribute to software projects for social good. Give your time or money to help build software to better the arts, education, government, science, and more.
The BU/MIT Student Innovations Law Clinic (SILC) is a free and confidential legal service for students at MIT and BU who seek legal assistance related to their research, advocacy, and creative projects.
Empoweringdisplaced personswith technologyOUR ACTIONS INNOVATIONWe support and help the deployment of responsible technology products and services for and with displaced persons across the world since 2015.
To meet this need and help ensure fact-checkers can continue doing their important work, this new initiative will provide legal support including connecting fact-checkers with lawyers, establishing a fund to help pay legal fees when pro bono support isn’t available, and publishing guides covering the main legal and non-legal threats that fact-checkers face and how they can be mitigated.
Common Cause, 15th Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA
Protect the Vote is a national coalition of nonpartisan organizations focused on making sure everyone can vote. They have great volunteer opportunities across the country.