More > Special coverage > COVID > COVID Engagement Projects - (28)

How are people engaging the public and private sectors to help contribute to a collective response to the pandemic? How are people helping to contribute informal, mutual aid, to address common needs like social connection and remote work? How is the trend towards digital civic engagement accelerating because of social distancing requirements? We'll track global responses to these needs here.

Showing 28 Results



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

GetVolunteering enables you to triage volunteers into clinical and non-clinical roles to support the fight against COVID-19.

A citywide experiment testing the impact of geographically targeted, high-pay-off vaccine lotteries

"We implemented a pre-registered, citywide experiment to test the effects of three high-pay-off, geographically targeted lotteries designed to motivate adult Philadelphians to get their COVID-19 vaccine...we do not detect evidence of any overall benefits."

Analysis and Response Toolkit for Trust

The Analysis and Response Toolkit for Trust or ARTT is focused on helping people engage in trust-building ways when discussing vaccine efficacy and other topics online.

Rooted in Trust

Rooted in Trust

Internews Network, 15th Street Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

Rooted in Trust is a pandemic information response plan countering the unprecedented scale and speed of the spread of rumors and misinformation about COVID-19. Operating in ten countries.

COVID In Boston

With the onset of COVID, BARI has sought to construct a data-support system for a city during a pandemic–both to serve our local communities and to act as a model for others across the country.

Missing Them

Missing Them

New York City, NY, USA

The City's crowdsourced, data-driven obituaries for New Yorkers who have died from COVID-19

Tech Kontra Wirus

Tech Kontra Wirus

Poland (Polska)

Code for Poland's platform for prioritizing amongst many Coronavirus response ideas

Poland (Polska)

Inspired by the help that people give each other during hard times, we created an application that will allow anyone in need to find help in their daily duties. – Data proti Covid

COVID19CZ je společná aktivita několika českých technologických firem a IT nadšenců zaměřená na pomoc v boji s nákazou COVID-19.

The Coronavirus Hackathon (April 18-19)

We will use the hackathon concept to come up with new products, business models, policy and campaigns by encouraging cross-pollination of ideas.

A crowdsourcing platform, run by volunteers, to share useful and verified information on the Coronavirus pandemic in Italy

Are we in Lockdown dot com

Website that shows country-by-country coronavirus social distancing responses

Berliner Gehwegbreiten

A map showing the width of sidewalks across Berlin using #OpenData

Brightest COVID-19 Relief

Brightest COVID-19 Relief

Brightest, Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Connecting coronavirus relief and aid orgs with support

A/D/O, Norman Avenue, Brooklyn, NY, USA

Citizens Tracker of Government COVID-19 Measures

Digital Health Lab

Digital Health Lab

San Francisco

At Meedan’s Digital Health Lab we are researching, designing and testing a digital response framework for addressing health misinformation online, centered around accessibility and equity.

COVID-19 self-assessment tool

Another open source self-assessment tool, by the Ontario government


A knowledge base website that collects public health information on the novel coronavirus from WHO, CDC, NYS, and NYC.

Coronavirus Tech Handbook

Coronavirus Tech Handbook

133 Bethnal Green Road London

a crowdsourced resource for technologists building things related to the coronavirus outbreak

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