The Tech > Govtech > Policy > Tech or Digital Policy - (33)

Government policy directly related to tech and digital transformation

Showing 33 Results

Social Media Election Policies Tracker

The Social Media Election Policy Tracker is a tool created to broadly chronicle a timeline of selected social media companies’ evolving policies which have impacted the information environment related to U.S. elections and campaigns from 2016 – the present.

Policy Tracker (Tech Policy Press)

Tech Policy Press is tracking laws and regulations, along with government investigations and litigation, that will shape the rules and accountability for tech companies.

Tech Policy Press

A nonprofit media and community venture intended to provoke new ideas, debate and discussion at the intersection of technology and democracy.

The Sunday Show

The Sunday Show is the weekly (and sometimes more often) podcast from Tech Policy Press.

Concurso Nacional de Estudiantes Universitarios

Concurso Nacional de Estudiantes Universitarios

Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela

Moot court competitions about intellectual property in Venezuela

European Digital Media Observatory (EDMO)

the EU’s largest interdisciplinary network to counter disinformation.

State-level Digital Transformation Policy Scan: Executive Orders

State-level Digital Transformation Policy Scan: Executive Orders

Georgetown University, 3700 O St NW, Washington, DC 20057, United States

In Fall 2023, the Digital Service Network kicked off its digital transformation policy scan by documenting executive orders (EO) enacted since 2013 that shape the digital transformation of government across states and territories.

Internet Law & Policy Foundry

The Foundry is a collaborative organization for Internet law and policy professionals who are passionate about disruptive innovation

Internet Law and Policy Jobs

Unlike other job boards, Foundry Jobs is focused solely on Internet law and policy jobs.

AORAI Policy Map

A continent-wide map of AI policy, laws, and tools in Africa

Digital Platform Commission Act of 2022

Legislation introduced in the 117th Congress, "To establish a new Federal body to provide reasonable oversight and regulation of digital platforms."

Israel Tech Policy Institute

Tech policy leadership and scholarship, advancing ethical practices in support of emerging technologies

Justice and Equity in Technology Policy course

This Coursera course aims to help learners understand how inequity and injustice can become embedded in technology, science, and associated policies, and how this can be addressed.

United States Department of State's Office of the Special Envoy for Critical and Emerging Technology

Secretary Blinken established the office as part of the wider modernization agenda because the constellation of critical and emerging technologies reshaping the world is now an integral part of the conduct of U.S. foreign policy and diplomacy.

Clean Energy for All

Clean Energy for All

1600 Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

The Biden Administration's explainer site for the Inflation Reduction Act's renewable energy provisions



Washington, DC

We fight for a safer and more trustworthy internet by teaching tech law & policy to everyone who wants to shape it.

Day One Project

The Day One Project is launching its Technology Policy Accelerator to identify, develop, and publish a set of technology policy ideas that could be implemented by Congress or the Biden-Harris Administration.  The accelerator is a nine-week process, designed to guide each participant as they develop an initial idea into a tailored, actionable set of policy recommendations

Master of Science in Computational Analysis and Public Policy at the University of Chicago

Master of Science in Computational Analysis and Public Policy at the University of Chicago

The University of Chicago, South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, Illinois, USA

The MSCAPP curriculum is a three-legged stool, building foundational knowledge of computer science, statistics, and public policy analysis.




Policy Development based on Advanced Geospatial Data Analytics and Visualisation

Aspen Tech Policy Hub Fellowship Program

Our program mixes the best of both Washington and Silicon Valley, bringing together stakeholders in policy and technology to train the next generation of policy entrepreneurs.

World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.

Campaign to Stop Killer Robots

The Campaign to Stop Killer Robots is a growing global coalition of 165 international, regional, and national non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in 65 countries that is working to preemptively ban fully autonomous weapons.

UW Tech Policy Lab

UW Tech Policy Lab

Washington state, USA

The Tech Policy Lab at the University of Washington brings together experts in law, information, and computer science to enhance technology policy.

Lawyers Hub

The Lawyers Hub is a Pan-African Digital Law and Policy Organization working at the confluence of Law and Technology.

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