New methods and approaches to improve democracy from a non-technical approach. With an emphasis on emerging methods that endeavor to give citizens a more active role in governance.
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)
Different voting systems have a variety of different features, ranging from how proportional they are (whether seats in parliament reflect votes cast), the connection between MPs and their communities and the extent to which voters can choose between different candidates.
Renters that received an informational postcard were 52% more likely to request an application for rental assistance and 24% more likely to submit an application than renters that did not receive a postcard.
The Liverpool City Region Civic Data Cooperative (LCR CDC) is a data governance project funded by the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority (LCRCA) and hosted by the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at the University of Liverpool.
G1000 is a Belgian platform for democratic innovation. We develop, support and promote new forms of deliberation that reinforce democracy from the local to the national level. We believe democracy should give more space to regular citizens.
Renovate the Public Hearing is an initiative created by the Centre for Dialogue to act as a convener and catalyst to pilot changes to the provincial local government land-use public hearing requirements as a means to enhance social justice, community-building and strengthen democratic culture.
New Democratic Initiatives in Authoritarian Twenty-First Century Latin America uses a multidisciplinary approach to understand the coincidence of emerging social movements, seeking more meaningful forms of democratic participation, on the one hand, and the rise of new authoritarian politics that in part rely on chaos and disorder as mechanisms of domination, on the other.
Every two years, the World Movement for Democracy’s Global Assembly brings together hundreds of democracy advocates from around the world to foster new networks for mutual solidarity and support across borders.
We are an international network of organizations, associations, and individuals that develop, implement, and promote ways to improve democracy, from the local to the global level.
newDemocracy is an independent, non-partisan research and development organisation. We aim to discover, develop, demonstrate, and promote complementary alternatives which will restore trust in public decision making.
The annual Democracy R&D conference is the leading international event for people who fund, run, commission, study and advocate for Citizens’ Assemblies.
We are convinced that the battle to eliminate poverty worldwide starts here at home – in our village, our town, or our municipality. Which is why, here at ICLD, we work with people who are changing the world by building local democracy.
Our mission is to promote and advance public participation / community engagement globally through targeted initiatives that are guided by culturally adaptive standards of practice and core values.
As the peak body for the community and stakeholder engagement sector, IAP2 Australasia, believes that engagement, when done well, improves environmental, social and governance outcomes and increases trust in the democratic process.
IAP2 USA is a nationwide organization that leads, advances and advocates for best practices in public participation. It is a home and community for people who believe good decisions can be made together.
IAP2 adalah asosiasi anggota internasional yang mempromosikan dan meningkatkan praktik partisipasi publik atau pelibatan masyarakat, yang menggabungkan individu, pemerintah, lembaga, dan entitas lain yang memengaruhi kepentingan publik di seluruh dunia.
Nace como una forma de contribuir a desplegar las habilidades y competencias necesarias en personas y agrupaciones de diversa índole que desean ser protagonistas de la construcción del futuro para sus comunidades, territorios y países.
The mission of the National Civic League’s Center for Democracy Innovation is to understand, test, and disseminate innovations that can make democracy more participatory, equitable, and productive.
The Deliberative Democracy Lab (formerly the Center for Deliberative Democracy), housed within the Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law at Stanford University, is devoted to research about democracy and public opinion obtained through Deliberative Polling®.
[W]hich aspires to establish a global democracy, solving the hard problem of representing every human in the world – including those who won’t participate – without the help of government.
The Deliberative Democracy Digest publishes a roundup of recent developments in the theory and practice of deliberative democracy. It is the companion piece of the academic publication Journal of Deliberative Democracy (formerly Journal of Public Deliberation).
The Global Forum on Modern Direct Democracy is the largest gathering devoted to direct democracy worldwide. It favours a multidisciplinary approach, welcoming participants from academic, political and civil society perspectives.
O coletivo delibera trabalha com uma forma inédita e democrática de atuação da sociedade nas decisões de pautas políticas do país, de comunidades, de cidades e até mesmo de bairros.
Citizens' movement to practice democracy by sortition. Notable twist includes winning a seat in Brussels Parliament, where their elected representative must act on behalf of 50 residents chosen by lot.
Weaving together the anthropological, aesthetic, and political aspects of assembly-making, What Makes An Assembly? explores the potential of assemblies to reimagine the way democracy is practised in contemporary societies.
Mehr Demokratie e.V., Greifswalderstr. 4, 10108 Berlin, Germany
Seit mehr als 30 Jahren bringt Mehr Demokratie die direkte Demokratie und Bürgerbeteiligung voran und kümmert sich um Transparenz und ein faires Wahlrecht.