Factchecking is a longstanding approach to fighting disinformation, where individual claims, speeches, and rumors can be researched and verified or debunked.
The Spinoza project initially aims to create a tool for journalists based on generative artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance media coverage of climate change and ecological transition, all while relying on reliable sources.
Dokopalsya! (which playfully means "got to the bottom of it" in Russian), leverages large language models to serve as a rapid fact-checking assistant in Russian. When users share claims or news snippets, the bot identifies key assertions and checks them against reliable sources, providing evidence-based verification with links to authoritative references.
Poynter Institute for Media Studies, 3rd Street South, St. Petersburg, FL, USA
To support fact-checking on WhatsApp, the International Fact-Checking Network is offering a new round of its Spread the Facts grant program in partnership with Meta to combat AI-generated misinformation.
Fact-checking video for Youtube and Rutube: displaying references to refutations, proofs and disputs of the facts contained in the video, as well as the video rating of the video and the overall channel rating.
EUfactcheck, an initiative of the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA) fights misinformation about European policies and topics. Journalism students from all over Europe factcheck claims made by politicians and others and rate them.
Poynter Institute for Media Studies, 3rd Street South, St. Petersburg, FL, USA
The Global Fact Check Fund will award grants in an open competition for one or a series of programs to support third-party organizations in strengthening the capabilities of fact-checking organizations across the world.
Centre for Policy Alternatives, 24/2, 28th Lane, off Flower Road, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
Groundviews is a citizens journalism website based in Sri Lanka which uses a range of genres and media to highlight alternative perspectives on governance, human rights, the arts and literature, peace-building and other issues.
Τα «ellinikahoaxes.gr» είναι ο μοναδικός ελληνικός ιστότοπος κατά της παραπληροφόρησης και η μοναδική συντονισμένη προσπάθεια κατάρριψης αναληθών δημοσιευμάτων στο ελληνικό διαδίκτυο. Εργαλεία μας, η έρευνα, η συλλογή στοιχείων και πληροφοριών από αξιόπιστες πηγές και σωστή αξιολόγηση τους.
Mchaguzi is an independent web-based, voter-centred electoral intelligence toolkit designed and implemented by The Demography Project, to enhance citizen participation and engagement before, during and after the 2022 Kenyan General Election.
Somos una comunidad crowdsourcing que monitorea la desinformación difundidas en cadenas de WhatsApp y redes sociales entre venezolanos. Nuestro centro de operaciones es un grupo de Telegram abierto en el que analizamos colectivamente la información que recibimos.
Watchdog is a multidisciplinary team of factcheckers, journalists, researchers and software engineers. We hunt hoaxes and misinformation, investigate matters of public welfare, and build software tools that help operations like ours.
In the last few years, the Social Media having a wider reach and faster, started polluting human minds by anti-social elements, wrong doers, pranksters etc.
Factly strives to cultivate civic participation and engaging citizens in accessing, understanding, and using important government data/information at various levels
Congo Check est un média spécialisé dans la vérification des faits ou factchecking. Congo Check est un projet de l'ASBL/ONG Initiative des fact-chechekers du Congo, IFC.
Fact Crescendo is an independent, unbiased fact-checking website that is committed to bringing the fact behind every news, debunking mis-interpreted & hoax news on a daily basis on false, mis-informed, social media as well as mainstream media.
Ethiopia Check debunks claims and exposes fake news using its platforms on Facebook (52,000 followers), Twitter (7,000 followers) and Telegram (34,000 followers).
DUBAWA is Nigeria’s independent verification and fact-checking platform, initiated by the Premium Times Centre for Investigative Journalism (PTCIJ) and supported by the most influential newsrooms and civic organisations in the country to help amplify the culture of truth in public discourse, public policy, and media practice.
Daily, journalists from Aos Fatos follow statements by politicians and authorities of national expression, from different party colors, in order to verify if they are speaking the truth. For this, we adopted a formula with seven steps to carry out our checks.
BOOM is an independent digital journalism initiative. We are India’s premier fact checking website, committed to bring to our readers verified facts rather than opinion. When there is a claim, we will fact check it.
Bolivia Verifica is a non-profit, non-political digital media that is dedicated to the verification of false news and public discourse to fight against disinformation and improve democratic participation.
cekfakta.com adalah sebuah sebuah proyek kolaboratif pengecekan fakta yang dibangun di atas API Yudistira oleh MAFINDO ( Masyarakat Anti Fitnah Indonesia ) dan bekerja sama dengan beberapa media online yang tergabung di AJI ( Aliansi Jurnalis Independen ) dan AMSI ( Asosiasi Media Siber Indonesia ) serta didukung oleh Google News Initiative dan Internews serta FirstDraft
A fundamental pillar of the democratic system is that there is freedom of expression and dissemination, and that citizens are duly informed to make correct decisions in their daily lives.
The Magnifier is the first news agency in Brazil to specialize in journalistic technique known worldwide as fact-checking and was founded on November 1, 2015.
Digiteye India is an independent digital news fact-checking venture by a small group of veteran journalists who came together to bring forth authentic facts behind daily news and claims being passed on as news, social media messages and views.
The African Fact-Checking Alliance (AFCA) is a network of media and civil society organizations that work to counter misinformation. The network supports fact-checking missions to debunk dangerous content, including conspiracy theories and misinformation.
Doble Check is a public discourse auditing project financed by the University of Costa Rica and which operates as a project affiliated with Radio Stations UCR.