The People > Learn about civic tech > Reading lists - (9)

Reading lists are compilations of suggested or required readings, such as articles and essays, that help the reader get up to speed with a given topic

Showing 9 Results

Civic X Syllabus

Civic X Syllabus is a roadmap to learning about civic research, civic data, civic tech, and civic design.

Truthiness Collaborative

Truthiness Collaborative

3502 Watt Way, ASC 104 Los Angeles, CA 90089-0281

To advance research and engagement around the misinformation, disinformation, propaganda and other challenges to discourse fueled by our evolving media and technology ecosystem

Apolitical digital government atlas

Apolitical digital government atlas

The Conduit, 40 Conduit Street, London W1S 2YQ, England, UK

Chris Ferguson of the UK’s Government Digital Service puts together the best publicly available tools for digital government from around the world.

Civic tech and govtech reading list

The list contains relevant articles for anyone interested in understanding the space of technological solutions to societal, governmental, and society-government interface problems.

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