The Tech > Emerging tech > Smart Cities and sensors - (98)

Technology that quantifies the physical environment, such as traffic or environmental factors

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End Police Surveillance

ShotSpotter creates thousands of unfounded police deployments, fuels unconstitutional stop-and-frisk, and can lead to false arrests.

SAGA Smart Machinaka Project

The SAGA Smart Machinaka Project is a demonstration project that aims to improve the convenience of the city center of Saga City through the use of technologies such as AI and IoT, and to create a city that is easy to live in.

The Atlas of Urban Tech

A global atlas of case studies of tech-enabled urban districts and municipal digital masterplans.

The Things Network

We are a global collaborative Internet of Things ecosystem that creates networks, devices and solutions using LoRaWAN®.

Smart Districts

Smart Districts

Dublin, Ireland

Smart Districts (Dublin) are strategically selected locations where innovation projects are fast-tracked.

Atlas of Urban AI

Atlas of Urban AI

Barcelona, Spain

ATLAS is a crowdsourced (map) repository of projects happening in cities involving the use of artificial intelligence systems.

Academy of the Near Future

Ireland's Smart Cities Education Programme designed for young people and local authority staff.

Copenhagen Solutions Lab

At Copenhagen Solutions Lab, we support the development of the city through testing and implementation of intelligent and data-driven solutions, that support the needs of the city and its citizens.

DOLL Living Lab

Our expansive 1.5 km2 industrial area, frequented by over 10,000 daily users, functions as a vibrant physical testing space of smart city environments – now also offering a real-world platform with a digital twin for urban innovation at a 1:1 scale.

Nordic Smart City Network

The Nordic Smart City Network is a collaboration initiative joining five Nordic countries, and currently 20 Nordic cities with a common goal: to explore the Nordic way to create livable and sustainable cities.

Location Aware Sensing System (LASS) Environmental Sensor Network

LASS (Location Aware Sensing System) is an open source and public welfare "environmental sensor network system". 是一套開源和公益的「環境感測器網路系統」

C² Challenge

The C² Challenge provides an open-ended innovation process for government procurement that removes the need to meet specific requirements and provides an open door to business and academic innovators to propose new ways of solving a problem.

Urban Platform

A web solution designed for governments that provides the digital twin of the city, and delivers a real-time view of every street, plus insightful analytics to support decision-making and increase the efficiency of the city operations.



Estonia (Eesti Vabariik)

Join us in building the European way of Digital Transformation for 300 million Europeans

Smart Cities Certificate

The certificate in Smart Cities is an interdisciplinary program designed for working or aspiring professionals and upper-level students interested in expanding their knowledge-base in the fields of emerging urban technologies, data science, sustainable design, and public-private partnerships.

Maai Makwa (My Water)

Deploying Open Data to Enable Kenyan Households & Communities Conserve Fresh Water Resources, including civic literacy campaigns and IoT monitoring of water supply and quality



United States of America (the)

A coalition working against ShotSpotter's "harmful impacts on the Black, brown, and poor people that the company surveils."

Great King Machines

Great King Machines

India (Bhārat)

We manufacture embedded city maintenance machines for city civic and green agencies to upgrade to new standards of service to the citizens.

Low-Cost Sensors and Systems for Ocean Discovery

We are creating low-cost, easy-to-use deep-sea systems that gather the most critical data to inform environmental decision-making and deployment strategies.


An Earthquake Early Warning System for the West Coast of the United States

The Sounds of CDMX

The Sounds of CDMX

Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico

This is an audio/visual story exploring the sounds of Mexico City’s streets.

Smart cities and data protection: possible routes

InternetLab, ARTICLE 19 and LAPIN launch a policy paper with recommendations on smart cities and personal data protection.

Ecobee Donate your Data program

Sharing anonymized data from your ecobee smart thermostat can help scientists advance the way to a sustainable future. JOIN NOW

IDC Smart Cities Awards

To recognize outstanding Smart Cities projects, IDC launched its Smart City North America Awards (SCNAA).

Array of Things

An intelligent urban measurement project that’s changing our understanding of cities and urban life. The Array of Things (AoT) is a collaborative effort among scientists, universities, federal and local government, industry partners, and communities to collect real-time data on urban environment, infrastructure, and activity for research and public use


Empowering a faster, smarter emergency response Contextual emergency data: e.g

Toward a Smarter Future: Building Back Better with Intelligent Civil Infrastructure -- Smart Sensors and Self-Monitoring Civil Works

The Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation develops ideas and fosters practices for equal and inclusive, multiracial and multiethnic democracy and self-governance.

Whose Streets report

Whose Streets report

Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA

Harvard report on “smart city” technology risks to civil liberties.



Brooklyn, NY

Numina measures all kinds of curb-level activity. Anonymously and in aggregate, Numina delivers the volume counts, paths, and traffic behaviors of travelers and objects in streets.

Air Matters

Providing real-time Air Quality Index & Allergy Pollen & Weather Data, as well as Protection Recommendations and Forecast.

A City Is Not a Computer: Other Urban Intelligences

A bold reassessment of "smart cities" that reveals what is lost when we conceive of our urban spaces as computers, by Shannon Mattern


Small and easily secured into any face mask, FaceBit is accompanied by a mobile application that provides a user interface and facilitates research.

Network for Clean Air

We've been organising a programme of citizen science to measure air pollution since 2013

Nexleaf Analytics

We create data and technology solutions for better health outcomes in low- and middle-income countries. By working alongside health advocates, governments, local communities, donors, and manufacturers, we provide reliable



Axe Pleyel 4 B104 32 boulevard Ornano 93200 Saint-Denis Paris

Cette plateforme mise en œuvre par Bruitparif centralise les cartes stratégiques de bruit (CSB) disponibles au sein de la région Île-de-France dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de la directive européenne 2002/49/CE.

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