The People > Learn about civic tech > Reports - (40)

Reports about the field itself.

Showing 40 Results

How AI Can Support Democracy Movements: Summary Report of a Research and Practice Workshop

This report summarizes a December 2024 workshop on the specific issue of AI adoption within democracy movements and offers some key recommendations.

How can civic tech help improve government service delivery?

Ever wonder, “How can civic tech help improve government service delivery?” If so, check out this new research from the Canadian Digital Service! It includes 5 case studies of partnerships between the Canadian government and civic tech groups, plus tools to assess if civic tech might be a good partner for a government initiative. Find it here:

Global Trends in Government Innovation 2024

Global Trends in Government Innovation 2024

OECD, Rue André Pascal, Paris, France

This report analyses nearly 800 case studies from 83 countries and identifies five critical trends in government innovation that are reshaping public services.

Centro de Pensamiento y Acción

Los centros de pensamiento son «asociaciones de investigadores, de áreas diversas del saber, que, mediante la investigación, el debate académico, la producción de documentos y la relación con sectores y problemas estratégicos de la realidad nacional, definen e inciden, a partir de su trabajo en red, en la evaluación y formulación de políticas públicas».

Africa Open Parliament Index (OPI)

Africa Open Parliament Index (OPI)


The Index will enable civil society to work together with national and regional parliaments to identify systemic challenges to achieving parliamentary openness and to co-create reforms that will strengthen the capacity of parliaments to enhance their openness.

Pitfalls of Aiming to Empower the Bottom from the Top: The Case of Philippine Participatory Budgeting

Paper by Joy Aceron, 2019. This paper explains why and how a reform program that opened up spaces for participatory budgeting was ultimately unable to result in pro-citizen power shifts that transformed governance.

Leveraging AI for Democracy: Civic Innovation on the New Digital Playing Field

3 essays by Beth Kerley, Carl Miller, and Fernanda Campagnucci outline possible paths toward a prodemocratic vision for AI

Future-Proofing Congress

Future-Proofing Congress

United States of America (the)

How Member-Led Upgrades Are Optimizing Legislative Branch Capacity and Resilience

Civic Tech Report 2025

Civic Tech Report 2025

Prague, Czechia

Hardcover book and online platform providing an overview of over 80 solutions from the European civic tech ecosystem

Hashtag Generation

Hashtag Generation

Colombo, Sri Lanka

Hashtag Generation is a non profit organization and movement led and run by a group of young tech-savvy, socially conscious Sri Lankans advocating for the meaningful civic and political participation of youth, especially young women and young people from minority groups

Global Multidimensional Poverty Index

The 2019 Global Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) data and publication "Illuminating Inequalities" released on 11 July 2019 shed light on the number of people experiencing poverty at regional, national and subnational levels, and reveal inequalities across countries and among the poor themselves.

State of AI Report 2023

Relevant section: Politics: Regulation of AI, its economic implications and the evolving geopolitics of AI.

Encrypted Messaging Applications and Political Messaging: How They Work and Why Understanding Them is Important for Combating Global Disinformation

This report provides an overview of how various EMAs work, a review of popular EMAs and their notable features (LINE, Signal, Telegram, Viber, WhatsApp, and WeChat), and examples of how EMAs have been used for political manipulation

Trapped in a Web: The Exploitation of Personal Data in Hungary’s 2022 Elections

The [Human Rights Watch] report finds that data collected by the state for administering public services, such as registering for the Covid vaccine, administering tax benefits, and mandatory membership in professional associations, was repurposed to spread Fidesz’s campaign messages.

Chatbots in humanitarian contexts

Chatbots in humanitarian contexts

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Report by the British Red Cross on aid groups' rush to use chatbots, from a skeptical perspective

Ethics in Artificial Intelligence and Government report

This [Canadian] report includes the following: Importance of ethics in AI and government, Understanding the impacts of AI on society, Balancing AI-driven efficiency with privacy and security concerns, and Cyber-security and digital trust.

Growing & Sustaining African Civic Tech

Growing & Sustaining African Civic Tech

South Africa (South Africa, Afrika-Borwa, Suid-Afrika)

A Playbook for learning about funding and financing options for the African civic technology community.

How Cities Make Software Together

A report by Written by Nneka Sobers and Dr. Anthony Townsend.

Sustaining and Scaling Civic and Government Technology

A report by International Republican Institute "synthesiz[ing] core challenges and lessons learned from practitioners, funders and government to help answer the questions of why civic and govtech initiatives struggle long term and what can be done about it."

Public Interest Technology University Network: Understanding the State of the Field in 2021

This report from Katharine Lusk and Azer Bestravos of Boston University evaluates of the state of the field across the 43 academic institutions that make up the Public Interest Technology University Network as of the summer of 2021, providing insight into the ways in which PIT-UN members are investing in its five priority areas, and sheds light on the state of the field more generally.

Building a Culture of Innovation in Government

This brief is the compilation of the findings from of a series of workshops on creating a vision for how our [US] government can build and foster a culture of innovation over the next 20 years.

Publi Ou Fake

Publi Ou Fake

Brazil (Brasil)

Uma cartilha em que trazemos ferramentas para que profissionais da área de marketing e publicidade possam navegar melhor e com mais confiança frente às complexidades da relação entre publicidade e desinformação.

Yale Law School series: A Healthy Digital Public Sphere

In the spring of 2022, we partnered with the editors of the Yale Journal of Law and Technology to commission a collection of papers examining what it means to have a healthy or vibrant digital public sphere.

Digital democracy: analysis of the disinformation ecosystems on Telegram during the 2022 Brazilian electoral process

Understand the role of the Telegram app in the dissemination of disinformation among Brazilian far-right groups and Analyse (online) radicalization process and (offline) political violence against democratic institutions, especially the Brazilian presidential election in October 2022

Malign Creativity: How Gender, Sex, and Lies Are Weaponized Against Women Online

Malign Creativity: How Gender, Sex, and Lies Are Weaponized Against Women Online

One Woodrow Wilson Plaza 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20004-3027

Report striving to build awareness of the direct and indirect impacts of gendered and sexualized disinformation on women in public life, as well as its corresponding impacts on national security and democratic participation.

Data Analytics for Social Media Monitoring

This new guide is designed to help democracy practitioners better understand social media trends, content, data, and networks.

Healthier Democracies Case Studies

Public Agenda's Healthier Democracies project studied public engagement systems from 15 locations around the world, and, accordingly, each study has its own report with key learnings and takeaways.

Aspen Institute principles for smarter regulation in cities

Aspen Institute principles for smarter regulation in cities

Aspen Institute, Massachusetts Avenue Northwest, Washington, DC, USA

See how local governments are responding to tech solutions to persistent problems #InnovatingRegulation

Thinking about GovTech: A brief guide for policymakers

(PDF) Thinking about GovTech (2019) introduces the concept of GovTech and identifies eight activities that policymakers can undertake to foster national GovTech innovation ecosystems and help to steer them towards positive outcomes for citizens and public administrators.

The Emergence of Civic Tech: Investments in a Growing Field

The Emergence of Civic Tech: Investments in a Growing Field

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, South Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, FL, USA

Knight Foundation's seminal 2013 report on the growing field of Civic Tech

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