The Tech > Govtech > Behavioral economics programs - (18)

"Nudging in public policy continues to face concerns related to manipulation, paternalism, and the removal of choice. However, as Sunstein and other proponents argued, all government programs are at some level applying choice architecture and nudging. Setting defaults and program design choices more deliberately, guided by science, can improve service delivery and increase the well-being of citizens. But it is important to appreciate that critics remain. Therefore, providing transparency and accountability for behavioral interventions is essential to sustaining or building trust in government. Nudges and other interventions inspired by the behavioral sciences need to be publicly disclosed and debated, as is the case for public policies more generally." - Zeina Afif for The World Bank

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Showing 18 Results

Does reducing stigma increase the take-up of rental assistance?

Renters that received an informational postcard were 52% more likely to request an application for rental assistance and 24% more likely to submit an application than renters that did not receive a postcard.

7 Routes to Applied Behavioural Science Experimentation and Observation

A flowchart guide to help users consider which type(s) of experiments to run in policy settings



New York City

ConsiliumBots uses technology and data to help people make important decisions by turning complex and underutilized information into virtual assistance and personalized recommendations across education, housing, and other areas of government programs.

Mapping the global behavioural insights community

To highlight the global knowledge base of behavioural insights work in public policy, and bring the achievements of institutions to the fore, the OECD launched the Behavioural Insights Knowledge Hub and map in 2021.

A citywide experiment testing the impact of geographically targeted, high-pay-off vaccine lotteries

"We implemented a pre-registered, citywide experiment to test the effects of three high-pay-off, geographically targeted lotteries designed to motivate adult Philadelphians to get their COVID-19 vaccine...we do not detect evidence of any overall benefits."

Nudging the Nudger: A Field Experiment on the Effect of Performance Feedback to Service Agents on Increasing Organ Donor Registrations

A RCT on government staff customer service reps found that providing information on organ donor registration rates led to a 25% increase in signups

UK Behavioural Insights Team

UK Behavioural Insights Team

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Global leaders and pioneers in applied behavioural science


Test+Build is a digital platform that provides customers with the tools to design their own behavioural science interventions and run their own randomised controlled trials (RCTs).

SMS reminders from the Office of Court Administration

New York City partnered with behavioral economics firm ideas42 and the University of Chicago Crime Lab to test simple “nudges” to get people to court; text reminders improved appearance rates, resulting in thousands fewer arrest warrants

Behavioural Insights at Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

Behavioural Insights at Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

Wilton Park House, Wilton Pl, Dublin 2, Ireland

Transitioning Ireland to a society based on sustainable practices will require behavioural insights to influence change.



United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)

Predictiv helps organisations make better and faster decisions.

eMBeD at the World Bank

eMBeD at the World Bank

The World Bank Group, H Street Northwest, Washington D.C., DC, USA

Using the Behavioral Sciences to Fight Global Poverty and Reduce Inequality

Common Cents Lab

Common Cents Lab

Duke University, Durham, NC, USA

Solutions that aim to increase the financial well-being for low- to moderate-income people living in the United States

Behavior Change for Good Initiative

Behavior Change for Good Initiative

The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Locust Walk, Philadelphia, PA, USA

StepUp is a free habit building, science-based workout program developed by the Behavior Change for Good Initiative. The program is being launched in partnership with 24 Hour Fitness.

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